King Arthur kept waving his sword to resist, and the aura of his whole body had burst out. The aura of locking the scabbard formed a barrier outside King Arthur's body.

"Bang bang."

The green spirit sword kept hitting the barrier. King Arthur's face was pale. Now he could not bear the attack of the green spirit sword. If it wasn't for the aura of locking the sheath, he would have been pierced by master Ling's flying sword. However, despite this, King Arthur did not have any idea of disappointment. His fighting belief would not weaken with his injury. As long as he could move forward, even if he was killed, what could he do?


Arthur's barrier was broken by the constant attack of Qingling sword and disappeared. At this time, King Arthur was not in the mood to manage his ide defense. He just wanted to rush directly to master Ling and kill him with the sword in the stone.

A green spirit sword directly pierced his body, blood DC, King Arthur frowned, did not care, continue to rush toward Ling Feng. At this time, he is getting closer to Ling Feng, only a few steps away.

The victory was right in front of him. King Arthur was full of joy in his heart, with a smile on his lips. His speed improved again. It was hard for the naked eye to catch him, so he was just one step away.

King Arthur held up the sword in the stone and slashed it down on master Ling's face. He believed that his sword would kill master Ling, and the spectators were staring at the scene. This is the critical moment. If he could kill master Ling, he would watch the sword.

When the sword in the stone hit Ling Feng's head, suddenly, an aura lock rushed out and directly locked King Arthur's hand, making King Arthur's sword in the stone unable to move forward. King Arthur was shocked to see this scene. He continued to struggle, but it didn't work.

He plans to change his other hand directly and continue to kill master Ling, but before he does, an aura lock appears again, which locks Arthur's other hand.

"What's going on? What is this? "

King Arthur said with a shocked face that no matter how he struggled, he could not break away from the transparent chain, and even got closer and closer. He had already entered his flesh and blood. He was just a little bit close to master Ling, but he was blocked by the sudden chain.

"I forgot to tell you that this is the chain of stars, which is specially designed to lock you, the so-called God. This is also a gift I give you." Ling Feng light said, and then there are two chains rushed out, the King Arthur locked, and then began to shrink, King Arthur was so suspended in mid air.

Seeing this scene, everyone was deceived, and they could not accept the result. Just now, King Arthur was a little short of being able to kill master Ling, but who could have thought that this chain would suddenly appear in the sky to catch King Arthur and hang him.

"King Arthur lost. I didn't expect to lose in the end."

"How can that be? Arthur won't fail. He won't fail."

A lot of people can't accept the result at all. This scene makes them despair. But this kind of ending has long been predestined.

"This result is really boring." Ling Feng stretched a stretch, looking at the King Arthur who has become his prisoner.

"Master Ling, I admit that you are the strongest person I have ever met." Arthur said very seriously.

"I'll give you one last chance to be my servant, live or die." Ling Feng said coldly.

"Ha ha, master Ling, I thought you know me very well. I'm the patron saint of Y country. How can I become a servant of human beings servilely? It's wishful thinking." King Arthur laughs. From the beginning of the battle, King Arthur has rejected Ling Feng for countless times.

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