Simon's face changed, Y4 laser cannons, let alone two, the moth will be able to blow his plane into water, and Ling Feng instantly understand how the two laser cannons are going on. It seems that the y-league didn't admit defeat, but when he left, he used a high-tech bomb to kill him on the way. Ling Feng was angry. He didn't expect that the y-league would dare to go back. Damn it.

At this time, the two Y4 laser cannons were getting closer and closer to their plane, where there was thick smoke, and the friction between the warhead and the air had formed a raging flame, full of powerful power.

The pilot felt the fire stabbing his eyes, and quickly covered his eyes with a look of panic. In this case, no matter how good their concentration is, it is useless. They are facing the highest technology laser gun, which can destroy a mountain at will.

Simon also froze, panic said: "Mr. Ling, we are finished, this time we are doomed, how to do, we are going to die."

Ling Feng sits there calmly, just these two laser cannons. It's just a dream to clean up himself. Then, Ling Feng urges the aura in his body and directly envelops the whole plane with a twinkling light.


The laser gun directly hit the plane, and there was a violent explosion. The energy had swallowed the plane. When the high-rise gate saw that the private plane was directly hit by the laser gun, and then exploded, a smile appeared on his face.

"Ha ha ha, hit, master Ling will surely die."

"It seems that master Ling is just like this. In front of our high technology, what's the use of cultivation in high technology."

"That's to say, I knew we had used laser cannons and let him be arrogant in Y League for so many days."

All the senior managers are very happy. After all, master Ling has been killed by laser bombardment. He is more happy than anything to solve this hidden danger. But soon, their smile disappears. Because the private plane was not damaged, there was a white aura on the outside of the plane.

"What's the matter? Master Ling is OK."

"No, it must be master Ling's trick to protect the plane with that light. I didn't expect that master Ling was so terrible. He could resist the bombing of Y4 laser gun. "

They were very shocked. They just heard that master Ling was very powerful, but they didn't expect that master Ling could be powerful against laser guns. At the beginning, they all thought that master Ling's strength was exaggerated by others, but now, without showing his face, master Ling has carried two Y4 laser cannons, which makes them understand the power of master Ling.

However, Geely's expression is very calm. He knows that master Ling is not so simple. The laser gun just now is just a warm-up. Next, he must let master Ling regret coming to y league from his soul.

"Today, no matter how powerful master Ling is, he can't leave alive." Geely said with a smile, then he let all the Navy and air force out, must kill master Ling.

In an instant, the biggest polar area of Y alliance became very busy, and all of them entered the state of preparation. Their goal was only one person, that is master Ling.

In the private plane, Simon thought he was killed when he heard the explosion. But after a while, he felt some pain on his body, so he quickly opened his eyes and found that the plane was very long and nothing happened. Are those two Y4 laser cannons fake? It's impossible. It's too real to be true.

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