But for Ling Feng, he has no defense at all. The spiritual power of the soul is just refining his yuan baby, which makes him a step closer to Yuan baby. Although Ling Feng has not reached the strength of Yuan baby, his strength can kill the strong of ordinary yuan baby. This is the strength of Ling Feng.

"Congratulations on master Ling's victory in sweeping up the guard of God." Simon came out quickly and said.

Ling Feng can shake his head, light said: "they are just mole ants."

"The guard of God is not the opponent of master Ling at all. It's too weak. It's rubbish. It's a waste of your time." Simon quickly said that at this time, it's better to keep up with master Ling and flatter him at any time.

"Where is the home of the convoy of gods?" Ling Feng light asks a way.

"It's said that this is the Dragon Mountain stretching out in the European continent. It's difficult for master Ling. Do you want to go to the mountain?"

"That's right." Ling Feng nodded and said that they had said before that they were just members of a small team. Naturally, Ling Feng would not be satisfied that he only absorbed the spirit of a school team. His current idea is to absorb the whole God's escort group. So many supplements are tailor-made for him. Of course, he wants to devour them. Otherwise, it's not natural for him to indulge in violence.

Ling Feng's Yuanying naturally needs a lot of soul's spiritual strength to be tempered. Now is the best chance. Ling Feng has already thought about it. He wants to commit suicide and go to the holy mountain to find the guardian group of God and devour them.

"Master Ling, as far as I know, it's very mysterious on the holy mountain. It's said that there are real gods, and we are not their rivals at all. Another thing is that no one has ever been able to get into the depths of the holy mountain. It's said that there are no electronic devices, many airplanes have had accidents there, and they are also called the sea of death." Simon quickly said that he was very awed by the people of the whole European continent. Every year, countless people went there.

"It's OK. I've got a sense of propriety." Ling Feng said faintly that he naturally knew that the holy mountain was the dragon vein of the whole European continent. Naturally, it was very mysterious. It was said that where the Western gods lived, but no matter what, they could not resist the steps of master Ling.

There's no place on earth where the wind can't reach.

Hearing Ling Feng's words, Simon knows what he can't say, but he guesses that master Ling's going to Shenshan this time will certainly cause a big disturbance. Then, Ling Feng returns to his room. He plans to absorb the spirit of the soul in half a day, and then rush to Shenshan to absorb the whole guard group of the God and become his aura.

Soon, the story of master Ling killing the first team of the God's escort group spread out, causing a sensation in the whole world, and shocked the whole European continent. No matter who can't believe it, at the beginning, everyone thought that if the God's escort group attacked master Ling, it would be able to kill master Ling, and there was the strongest soldier Raines. But as a result, they were all destroyed by master Ling, even in smoke. It was a shock.

"This is too terrible, master Ling's strength is too strong, even the God's escort group is not his opponent?"

"Is master Ling the God of war? He has never lost at all. In this way, no one in the whole European continent is the opponent of master Ling. He is simply invincible. "

Many aristocrats in Europe talked about it one after another. They were terrified of master Ling's strength.

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