"Sister-in-law, do you know that your cultivation is at the peak of the golden elixir period, even in the whole China, few people can beat you." Ling Feng said with a smile.

"How can this be possible? I've only been practicing for a month. How can I have this kind of strength, and what strength is this golden elixir period?" Hear Ling Feng's words, Ling Dongmei very confused asked.

"This is the so-called divine level of the martial arts. It is also the most powerful and peak existence in the martial arts world. You can win the whole martial arts world, and no one can be your opponent." Ling Feng replied that he was shocked for the first time in more than three years of rebirth. All the time, Ling Feng was calm and calm, but now? He couldn't do it at all. He thought all the time: "I didn't expect that the most talented person in the Ling family is my sister-in-law. This kind of strength, this kind of talent, is too much stronger than me, too powerful."

If Ling Feng is now asked to name the person he admired most since and even before his rebirth, Ling Feng will not hesitate to say that it is Ling Dongmei.

"Ah, how can I be so powerful, Xiao Feng? If you don't tell me, I don't know at all. I just feel a little younger, as if I am full of strength, but I didn't expect that my strength is so strong." Ling Dongmei doesn't believe it. How can she become the strongest person in the martial arts world just after a month's cultivation? No matter who she is, she doesn't believe it.

"Yes, it's true." Ling Feng nodded, but Ling Dongmei still shook her head and said, "I really can't believe this fact."

"Well, let's go to the backyard to test your strength." Ling Feng said that he also wanted to see how many accomplishments Ling Dongmei could achieve in the golden elixir period.

Later, they came to the backyard. In the innermost part of the backyard, there was a huge stone, which was originally to be carved into a sculpture, but it was too big, so it was put here and did not move.

"Well, Xiao Feng, you won't let my sister-in-law hit this stone. It's too big." Ling Dongmei guessed Ling Feng's idea and looked at the huge stone and asked.

"Yes. You try, auntie. Believe in yourself. " Ling Feng said with a smile.

"Well, I'll try." After that, Ling Dongmei closed her eyes, felt the aura in her body gather in her hand, and then punched the huge stone in the backyard.


At this time, the Boulder has been broken into debris. Ling Dongmei was stunned. He looked at his hand and the debris on the ground. Then she was shocked and said, "how can I do this?"

Even Ling Feng was stunned and said in horror: "it's so strong. It seems that I underestimated my sister-in-law's strength. I thought he could break the boulder into several pieces, but I didn't expect that this blow would smash the boulder."

It's terrible to be able to break the huge stone into several pieces, but Ling Dongmei's blow just now not only broke the huge stone, but also broke it into pieces and turned it into dregs. So Ling Feng asked: "sister-in-law, how much strength did you use just now."

"I feel that I only used less than 30% of my strength, because just now when I closed my eyes to gather aura, I felt that if I used too much force, the whole backyard would be destroyed." Ling Dongmei said.

At this time, Ling Feng is very speechless. He looks at Ling Dongmei and says with a sigh: "you are too strong, sister-in-law. Others are not your rivals at all. "

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