After Ling Feng is ready to solve this problem, he goes directly to Kunlun mountain. He also wants to find Tang Xin, so Ling Feng looks at them and says, "what do you want to say to me?"

"Young master, if I guess correctly, yunqianxun will bring out the most precious treasure of the demon sect. He will try his best to kill you with the most precious treasure." Said the ghost servant.

"Yes? What kind of magic weapon is it? " Ling Feng has a little interest.

"I don't know exactly what it is. I just have the impression that it's like a big flag. It's very strange and can destroy everything. Once there was a top clan that provoked the demons. The clan leader used the flag to destroy the clan, and even the mountain was gone." The ghost servant thought about it, and then said.

"Yes? That's what I'm looking forward to. " In the whole earth, Ling Feng is not afraid of any strong enemy, but it is his honor that Yun Qianxun can be seen by Ling Feng. Ling Feng sees two opponents on the whole earth. One is Yun Qianxun, the leader of the demon sect, and the other is the God of sword. And the battle with yunqianxun is right now.

At this time, Ling Feng suddenly felt the whole sky came a very strong pressure, and can feel a strong aura locked himself.

"Ha ha, master Ling, I'm here."

At this time, a voice full of momentum fell from the sky. Ling Feng knew that yunqianxun had arrived. At this time, the ghost servant, the hundred Li family old man and other strong men all looked at the sky and used aura to resist the pressure.

Except for the ghost servant, all the people in the Baili family felt the difficulty of breathing and were shaking all over. They could not resist the powerful pressure of yunqianxun.

In mid air, a figure was standing there, wearing black armor and full of powerful momentum. He was Yun Qianxun, the leader of the demon sect. He was the only strong man who could compete with the Chinese sword God. Both of them were equally powerful.

"Yunqianxun, it's good. You didn't disappoint me. It's good." Ling Feng looked at the clouds in the sky and said with a smile.

"Ha ha, master Ling, it seems that our battle is a fatalistic battle, and I will try my best to kill you, so as to restore the dignity of my demon sect." Yun Qianxun said with a smile.

"Yes? Let's see if you have the ability. " Ling Feng said calmly.

"This battle, we change places, it's not suitable for us to give full play to it." Cloud thousand seek light say.

"Whatever you choose, I don't care." Ling Feng nodded and said.

"In that case, master Ling, you can come with me." With these words, yunqianxun flies forward at a high speed, while Lingfeng floats in mid air, flying behind yunqianxun.

The strong men of the hundred Li family were shocked. They were able to fly in mid air, which was too powerful. The ghost servant said excitedly: "we will follow in the past. I'm afraid this battle will be very wonderful."

"Good, ancestor."

Baili nodded and said that he followed the ghost servant into a shadow and moved quickly on the land, following Ling Feng. The ghost servant's speed was very fast, but he was full of speed in order to take care of Baili, and Baili could barely keep up with him. Baili Wen and other people behind him could only follow the guide incense left by Baili and catch up with him all the way They don't have the strength of ghost servants, so they can't fly in the sky.

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