Before the start of the party, there was a publicity ceremony. The beautiful host stood on the stage to introduce the organizer of this evening's party, and invited the star Chen HanKun to come on stage. At this time, Ling Dongmei, several organizers and Chen HanKun came on stage together.

There are a lot of reporters taking photos under the stage. Ling Feng sits down and sees the so-called little flow Prince Chen HanKun on the stage. Only then can he understand why Ling Dongmei would look for him to speak for women's cosmetics. Chen HanKun is too good.

He stood there, even more beautiful than the beauty of the host, has been unable to use words to describe, Ling Feng shook his head, he did not pay attention to these, soon the ceremony was completed, Ling Dongmei came to Ling Feng after stepping down, whispered: "Xiao Feng, I have a small meeting to attend."

"Do you want me to go with you?" Ling Feng asked.

"No, I'll finish it soon. Take a rest and go to the party later." With that, Ling Dongmei left. Ling Feng was a little bored, so he found a corner and sat down to drink red wine. He saw that outside the hall, Chen HanKun's fans meeting was being held, gathering hundreds of people, including reporters and Chen HanKun's fans.

These fans are all female. They all look under 20 years old. They are very enthusiastic. If there is no bodyguard to stop them, they will be able to rush in. Chen HanKun constantly signs the fans and takes a group photo.

After a while, Chen HanKun walked into the hall. Many female fans and reporters wanted to follow them into the hall, but they were stopped by the hotel security. There was a business party in the hall, so they couldn't be allowed in.

"These fans are really clingy and annoying." Chen HanKun said, frowning as he walked. There was not a trace of masculinity in the voice, but it was very feminine.

Assistant in the side quickly said: "this also shows that you have many fans, high popularity ah, now even lengxiyan's network fans are not as many as you, many big groups want to look for your endorsement, this is a good thing."

"That's right. Now I'm so popular. In their eyes, I'm a cash cow. Ha ha." Chen HanKun said with a smile, his expression was very proud.

"We have planned to make time for another hype and try to get you on the international stage. By that time, you will be more famous." Said the assistant.

"Well, do we have any activities next?"

"Of course, this party is a big business event. It's all about the big bosses in the business circle. You should have a good communication with them and strive for a good relationship." Said the assistant.

"Well, I know. If I want to go further, I have to get close to these rich people. Don't worry." Chen HanKun nodded and said that many stars in the entertainment industry have close contacts with the rich, and many stars follow the rich to invest and make money. These are normal things, and Chen HanKun naturally knows.

"By the way, I know the young master of the Zhou family. He called me just now and said that he was a little interested in you and wanted to make a friend. What do you think?"

"You can arrange it. I also want to meet those old family members from four or five cities." Chen HanKun nodded and said, then they came to the hall. Under the guidance of the assistant, Chen HanKun began to teach the rich. Many rich people pay attention to the things in the entertainment circle. They naturally know that Chen HanKun is the most popular flow prince in the entertainment circle and the best tool for them to make money, so they all want to cooperate with Chen HanKun and even speak politely.

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