"All right, auntie." Ling Feng nodded. Soon, they were chatting while drinking. Four bottles of red wine had gone down. Ling Dongmei's face turned red. Her appearance was full of temptation, and anyone would rush up directly.

"Auntie, you have drunk too much." Ling Feng said with a smile.

"It's OK, Xiao Feng. I want to drink it. I'll let my sister-in-law get drunk tonight." Ling Dongmei shakes her head and says, "normally, Ling Dongmei is the chairman of Ling's group. She always looks straight and cold. She is called the iceberg goddess by the group. But Ling Dongmei is not such a person. She is just a little woman.

"Well, auntie, it's time for us to go home." Ling Feng said with a smile.

"It's still early. Don't worry, Xiao Feng. Can I borrow your shoulder and let my aunt lean on it?" Ling Dongmei looks at Ling Feng and says.

"Well, no problem." Ling Feng won't refuse her sister-in-law, so she sits beside Ling Dongmei. Ling Dongmei quietly leans on Ling Feng's shoulder and soon sleeps. Breathing is very even.

Ling Feng calmly looked at Ling Dongmei, did not speak, but let Ling Dongmei quietly sleep on her body, after more than three hours, Ling Dongmei woke up, she found that she was actually sleeping on Ling Feng's shoulder, so looked at the time, it was more than 11 pm.

Long Dongmei was a little moved. She didn't expect to fall asleep with Ling Feng. In order to have a good rest, Ling Feng didn't move. He would be very uncomfortable.

"Auntie, you wake up." Ling Feng said with a smile, he has not been sleeping, but quietly drinking red wine, did not move to maintain a posture.

"Xiao Feng, I'm sorry. I just drank too much and fell asleep. You're very uncomfortable." Ling Dongmei's words are full of apologies.

"It's OK, sister-in-law. What are you doing with me? Even if you sleep on my shoulder for a few days and nights, I won't move. What's more, you just sleep for a while." Ling Feng said with a smile.

"Well, Xiao Feng, it's late. Let's hurry home." Ling Dongmei got up and said.

Then they left the box of the restaurant. When they went back, Ling Feng was still driving. Ling Dongmei sat in the co pilot's seat. When they got back to Ling's home, they went back to their respective rooms. As soon as Ling Feng entered the room, he found that Ling Tian was waiting on the sofa.

"Well? Dad, why haven't you slept yet? "

"I'm waiting for you to come back? How did you come back? " Ling Tian looks at Ling Feng and says with a smile that every time he sees his son, he feels very happy.

"I didn't drink with my sister-in-law for a while, but Dad, what's the matter with you waiting for me so late?" Ling Feng asked.

"There's something I want you to say." Lingtian said.

"Well? Dad, what's the matter? " Ling Feng looks at Ling Tian suspiciously, and then asks.

"I used to travel around, but I fell into a cave. It seemed that something had entered my body. After I came back, I felt uncomfortable all the time, and even my cultivation was very unstable." Ling Tian frowned and said that after he came back from the cave, he often felt depressed, as if the whole world rejected him. He didn't know why.

Ling Feng is stunned. He quickly closes his eyes, releases his divine sense, and begins to observe Ling Tian. He finds that his divine sense has just entered Ling Tian's body, and is directly dispersed by a strong momentum. He has no way to peep.

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