"But I'm not prepared at all." Ling Tian doesn't know what to say. He has never thought about leaving the earth, but now he has to make a decision. Ling Feng certainly knows that Ling Tian can't bear to leave the earth, but there is no way.

Even if Ling Tian doesn't want to leave, tianzunxian mansion will take her to leave directly at last, but this is the best way to take over. If Ling Feng used to use the seal technique to seal tianzunxian mansion in Ling Tiantian, but now Ling Feng's cultivation is too low, so he can't do it.

See Lingtian has been thinking, Lingfeng also did not say anything, he of course know Lingtian psychological contradiction. After a long time, Ling genius calmed down, and then asked suspiciously:

"Xiao Feng, how do you know so many things about fairyland? Have you ever been to fairyland? "

Ling Feng didn't know how to say that he didn't want to cheat his father. He couldn't tell his father that he had been in the fairyland for five thousand years, so he said, "I once swam in the fairyland in my dream."

"I've decided." Ling Tian said calmly, although he didn't know whether his decision was right or not, he didn't have a choice, and Ling Feng didn't speak. He knew what his father's choice was.

"I'm going to leave the earth and go to fairyland." Lingtian said seriously, since he has no choice, it is as a tourism. Besides, since everyone's road in the future is to ascend to the fairyland, Lingtian also wants to lay down a territory for them in the fairyland.

"I just don't know if I will have a chance to return to earth in the future?" Ling Tian asked.

"Dad, don't worry. It's definitely OK. And I'm going to fairyland soon. Ling'er has been waiting for us in fairyland for a long time." Ling Feng nodded and said.

"That's good. Then I'll go to ling'er. After you come, I'll make up my mind to hold a wedding for you." Ling Tian said with a smile.

The next time, Ling Feng began to popularize the knowledge of fairyland to Ling Tian. Of course, Ling Feng didn't add any color. All of them were honest. He wanted to tell his father that fairyland was cruel. The law of the jungle, the law of the jungle, and the law of the mind. All of these Ling Feng told Ling Tian, so that he had a psychological preparation.

Of course, Ling Feng is very worried when Ling Tian goes to the fairyland alone. After all, fairyland is different from the earth. Fairyland is full of danger, not only fierce animals, but also people who are wary of fairyland. Ling Feng now, is in a good preventive injection.

There are so many things in the fairyland, such as killing people, stealing treasures and cheating each other. It can even be said that there is no pure land in the whole fairyland. Ling Feng day will also tell their own feelings, and Lingtian can refresh. Fortunately, Ling Tian's ability to accept is very strong. She has outlined the scene of fairyland in the South China Sea. After all, the earth is too small in front of fairyland.

"I didn't expect the fairyland to be so cruel. I always thought that fairyland was a peaceful world, which was independent of the world. I didn't think it was like this." Lingtian said.

"Dad, don't forget, what do you rely on for cultivation? Cultivation depends on talent, luck and resources, and resources are the most important in the fairyland. If you want to be strong, you should not think about justice in the fairyland. Therefore, the right of judgment is in your heart. You must rely on yourself to gain a foothold in the fairyland. " Ling Feng said.

"Don't worry, your father can accept all kinds of challenges, Xiao Feng, you don't have to worry about me too much." Maple said, as long as lingxianjie has no chance to die, he doesn't understand.

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