"I'll wait and see if they have any conspiracy. As long as they dare to fight, I'll kill them directly." Feng Ling said lightly.

The old man in front of Ling Feng is Zhou Yuxin and her grandfather who Ling Feng helped in those years. Ling Feng didn't expect that they also came to city A. It is said that old Zhou has a great influence here. Today, when Ling Feng and Ling Dongmei returned to the branch of Ling group, Zhou Yuxin had been waiting for them in the branch and respectfully invited Ling Feng to visit Zhou's family.

Ling Feng was also surprised. He didn't expect to meet Zhou Yuxin in city a, so he didn't refuse. He came to Zhou's house with Zhou Yuxin, and stayed for a few days.

Ling Feng hasn't done anything these days. He has already approved Ao. Continental alliance and killer alliance won't be so easy. There must be a bigger conspiracy behind this. But Ling Dongmei told Ling Feng yesterday that the branch of Ling's group had not been affected, and even the port control right had been obtained.

These things make Ling Feng more sure of his inner thoughts. The Ao continental alliance must have a bigger conspiracy. Just wait for him.

"Mr. Ling, if you have anything to do, I'll arrange for someone to do it."

Mr. Zhou said that no matter what, if he can get to know Master Ling, he must have a good relationship. After all, in Ao mainland, they are all Chinese, and they need to take care of each other.

Ling Feng nodded, did not speak, but has been looking at the distance, Zhou said, also left here, he just left a few minutes, Zhou Yuxin walked over, and then said: "Ling Feng."

"Well? What's the matter? " Ling Feng sees Zhou Yuxin coming and asks in doubt.

"Just now, the Zhou family received an invitation from the Ao continental alliance. It seems that they are going to hold a dinner tonight and invite you to come." Zhou Yuxin said.

"Well? And that kind of thing? " Ling Feng was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the Ao continental alliance would use this method to set up a grand banquet, waiting for him to go.

"Ling Feng, do you think it's because they are soft hearted that they hold this dinner party to be soft hearted to you?" Zhou Yuxin asked suspiciously.

"You think too much. It's not a dinner party to make amends at all. It's a Hongmen banquet." Ling Feng said with a smile.

"Ah? Hongmen banquet? I'll help you turn it down. "

"There's no need. They are just mole ants in my eyes. Even if they come, what can they do? I'll just go and have a look." Ling Feng calmly said that since it was Ao continental alliance that invited him, how could he refuse. And he also wants to see what the Ao continental alliance wants to do? What is the plot? If you are afraid not to go, it is not Ling Feng's style at all.

"All right. I'll go with you then? " Zhou Yuxin asked.


Ling Feng nods and doesn't say anything. It's just that Zhou Yuxin is very happy to be able to make friends with master Ling, who is the best in China. This is an honor in itself. It's a qualification that many people can't get. Ling Feng's achievements and strength have already shocked the whole world.

"Then I'll prepare first?"

"Well, good." Ling Feng waved her hand and said, and then Zhou yuluo left. However, when she left, she was still thinking about what would happen tonight. Was it Ao mainland who admitted defeat to Ling Feng, or did they find a way to deal with Ling Feng and hold the Hongmen banquet?

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