Mindray frowned and said, "our fight with master Ling has just begun, but he is not afraid of nuclear weapons. Do you want to admit defeat? It's hard for you to forget that the reason why our continental alliance has always been strong is that we are fearless. Even if the whole fleet is destroyed, we can't shrink back. Besides, do you think master Ling will let our fleet go? Better fight than retreat. "

After taking a look at all the hall leaders present, Mindray continued: "I believe leader Reyes has the same idea as me, and the alliance leader and the Presbyterian group are also the same. We m continental alliance never know how to write. Today we must kill master Ling."

M mainland didn't lose at all. How can they shrink back? And they still have more terrible cards in their hands. It's not certain who can win. All the hall leaders nodded one after another. They didn't dare to speak at all.

At this time in the sea, Ling Feng stood on the deck, looking at the front calmly, Firebird standing beside Ling Feng, looking at Ling Feng in front of him, said: "I really did not expect that you can really resist nuclear weapons."

Zhou Lao and Zhou Yuxin have been shocked all the time. They finally react. Ling Feng says with a smile, "you've known me for so long. Have you ever seen me do anything I'm not sure about?"

"What are we going to do next?" The Firebird continued.

"The M continental alliance gave me a big gift. Of course, I want to work under it. There's no need for this fleet to go back." Ling Feng looking at the sea in front of, light said, as if to say a small thing in general.

"This fleet is known as the strongest existence, which can crush any joint fleet on the earth. Are you sure? " Firebird said, she wants to tell Ling Feng, don't despise this fleet, although heat Ling Feng shoulder the nuclear weapons, but in the face of this fleet, or should be careful.

The M continental alliance is not easy to provoke. Although the nuclear weapons are powerful just now, they are only medium-sized nuclear weapons. The M continental alliance also has heavy nuclear weapons. That is the real existence of terror.

"Don't worry, in my eyes, those are the existence of mole ants. Just watch me destroy the fleet." Ling Feng cold said, m continental alliance people captured Ling Dongmei, already touched Ling Feng's scale, Ling Feng want to let them know the cost of provoking themselves.

Firebird is not talking. He knows Ling Feng's temper and is fearless. Zhou Yuxin and Zhou Lao don't know what to say behind them. They feel that their world outlook has been destroyed. After all, there are too many things that shock them today.

They have experienced a nuclear explosion, and they are still in the center of a nuclear explosion. I'm afraid no one dares to believe that.

"Well, in that case, let my old friend come out first. We haven't seen each other for a long time." Ling Feng said with a smile, his voice just fell, the water under the yacht has been rolling violently, as if there is something under the sea to rush out.

The terrible momentum rushed out in an instant. Even Firebird felt the momentum trembling and scared. The sea turned dark, even for several kilometers. The yacht was like an ant walking on an island.


With a loud noise, the figure under the sea comes out of the sea. Ling Feng's contract beast Xuanwu, soon, Xuanwu's body floats on the sea, and the yacht is on Xuanwu's back. Xuanwu's body is more terrible than before, and even bigger than the isolated island they met before.

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