The man who just robbed Leng Xiyan's signature book is Zhou Kai. He is Leng Xiyan's hot powder. He once specially studied Leng Xiyan's signature, but in front of this book, he is not sure whether it is Leng Xiyan's signature. Xia Yue looked at his hesitation and said: "Zhou Kai, send it directly to Leng Xiyan's fans' meeting, and you will know if it's true or not."

Leng Xiyan's signature is a bit complicated and has an exclusive mark, which is difficult to copy. But after all, technology is so advanced now. Therefore, Leng Xiyan's support fans Association has set up a special anti-counterfeiting team. As long as they send Leng Xiyan's signature to them, they will soon be able to give the identification results, and even the signature time and place of Leng Xiyan's assistant's reply.

Hearing Xia Yue's words, Zhou Kai quickly took photos and sent them to the fan support meeting. However, they waited for more than ten minutes, but there was no reply at all. So Xia Yue frowned and asked, "Zhou Kai, why haven't they replied? Is this a fake?"

"It should be fake." Zhou Kai nodded and said that he once wanted to buy Leng Xiyan's autograph for 30000 yuan, but he couldn't get it. How could Ling Feng have Leng Xiyan's autograph. Hearing Zhou Kai's words, Xia Yue said with a laugh: "I knew, ha ha ha, Ling Feng, now I can't hide it. I thought you had real ability. What do you do now?"

"Does that have anything to do with you?" Before Ling Feng spoke, Yuan Jiacheng said coldly. He took the book back and said, "this is my brother's signature. He said it's true. I believe it's true. And this signature is for me, not for you, idiot."

Hearing yuan Jiacheng's words, Xia Yue felt that she was beaten by Yuan Jiacheng. He immediately said angrily: "Yuan Jiacheng, I don't want this fake signature. I didn't expect that Ling Feng didn't have the ability to copy it. Knowing you two makes me feel ashamed."

When they heard Xia Yue's roar, many boys kept their distance from her one after another. In the past, they thought Xia Yue was good-looking and her voice was sweet. But today, when they saw Xia Yue's true face, their beautiful images were destroyed.

"Wait, they're back." Zhou Kai said loudly, as if he had won the five million prize.

Hearing Zhou Kai's words, Xia Yue said: "Zhou Kai, read it out loud. Does it mean the signature is fake?"

"No, fans' support will say that the signature is true, and confirmed by assistant Leng Xiyan, it was just given away at noon today." Zhou Kai said excitedly, although he also suspected that he was wrong, but the fact is the fact, Leng Xiyan's assistant has confirmed, and there is a time to send out.

Zhou Kai finally understood why the fan support meeting was slow to respond, because they confirmed with Leng Xiyan's assistant that Leng Xiyan is a big star, and they would not say that because of this, after all, it is also about Leng Xiyan's reputation.

Xia Yue didn't believe it at all. She grabbed Zhou Kai's mobile phone. After watching it for a long time, her face changed, and she yelled: "impossible, impossible, how can it be true? I don't believe it. "

"I didn't expect Ling Feng to be so powerful. After three days of returning to school, he had already got the signature of the big star Leng Xiyan and sent it to Yuan Jiacheng. I really envy him."

"I envy you. If only this signature was given to me. Although I don't follow stars, I can sell it for tens of thousands of yuan."

Many people talked about it one after another, looking at Yuan Jiacheng enviously. Yuan Jiacheng knew all this for a long time. After all, Ling Feng met Leng Xiyan when he invited Ling Feng to Tiandao. At that time, Leng Xiyan was a young girl who had just graduated.

"Little madman, I won't thank you. I'll take it." Yuan Jiacheng said with a smile that he was very happy. After all, Yuan Jiacheng is also a fan of Leng Xiyan.

Zhou Kai's face changed. He looked at Yuan Jiacheng with a flattering face and said, "Jiacheng, if you look at our friends, you can sell me your signature. I'll give you 20000 yuan. How about that?"

"Twenty thousand?" Many people were stunned when they heard this. For ordinary people like them, 20000 yuan is worth their living expenses for a year.

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