Lingfeng words down, has rushed in front of the past, fast, fast to jianglao and jiangtianyi did not respond, Lingfeng has rushed to the Li family.


The scream came out from the inside. Jiang and Jiang Tianyi were pale and didn't dare to see. Just listening to them, Ling Feng seemed to have turned into a terrible devil. He rushed to the Li family with a punch. The aura of the punch went directly into the Li family, and then shattered all the bones of the Li family. It's terrible.

"Ah, pain, great pain, master Ling, I beg you, you kill us, we would rather die than suffer this kind of pain." The Li family in front of them roared bitterly that they couldn't bear the pain of all the bones broken. But Ling Feng didn't pay any attention to them at all. Instead, he continued to rush in front of them, flashing lights. Many Li family members fell to the ground and joined the wolf howling army.

"Run, run, he's not a man, he's a devil." The rest of the Li family see this scene, immediately want to escape here. Ling Feng is not a human being at all, but a devil. Instead of killing people directly, he uses aura to break the bones of all the people's limbs, and then let them live to death.

The Li family ran away. They thought, Ling Feng is only one person after all, and they can't chase them separately. No matter what, they can run out. Jiang Tianyi saw the scene, frowned and said: "master Ling, I'll help you catch them back."

"No, you protect my sister-in-law. I can deal with them." Ling Feng's words fell. With a wave of his big hand, the sword array appeared in an instant. The sky was full of white rainbow swords. Before the Li family could react, they had already been washed down by the white rainbow sword. They fell to the ground and died directly.

Li was shocked to stand in the same place. He couldn't stop him. He watched Li's family die in front of him. At this time, he was the only one left. Li Laozi's face pale roared: "master Ling, I curse you will go to hell, you will die more ugly than us."

Master Li knew that master Ling was so terrible. He shouldn't have listened to the mysterious man behind him. He devoted himself to the whole Li family and opposed master Ling. Ling Feng looked at him coldly at this time, and then said, "if you have any last words, please speak quickly."

"If you don't come out again and kill master Ling, then I will tell master Ling all the deals between us. Do it yourself. " Li Laozi didn't pay attention to Ling Feng, but roared loudly.

"Ha ha ha, Mr. Li, if you want to die, just say it." Just at this time, a voice suddenly came from the air, which was extremely cold. Then a man stood in front of Mr. Li. Looking at the man who suddenly appeared, Mr. Jiang and Mr. Jiang Tianyi's face became gloomy. The man in front of him was about the same age as Mr. Jiang Tianyi, but his strength was Tianjie.

Even if it is huolei school, there is no one who is strong in heaven. When Mr. Li saw the middle-aged man in front of him, he said helplessly: "master, I have no way. You have seen what my Li family has become. My Li family no longer exists. Now I have only one requirement, that is, let master Ling die."

This venerable is the mysterious person behind the Li family. He came to the Li family and helped the Li family contact the huolei sect, but the Li family didn't know who this person was? I just heard the elder call him the venerable, so I followed him.

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