But he was wrong. In the face of an immortal who was full of Yuanying, he was a dragon with seven levels. He could not be killed at all. If it was not for Diaolong, he would not have been abused by Jiaolong.

Jiaolong rushes directly to Lingfeng again. Jiaolong's horn rushes up to Lingfeng's chest. Lingfeng feels the heavy rain all over the sky and says faintly: "Tiangang 36, the eighth, thunder chop."


As Ling Feng's words fell, the whole sky sounded dreary Lei Diansheng, followed by a bucket of thunder and lightning in the sky turned into a terrible sword, and cut directly at the dragon.


The thunder and lightning sword directly cut Jiaolong's body, and Jiaolong felt paralyzed all over. The heartbreaking pain spread all over his body. He never thought it was this kind of result. He quickly kept rolling. The whole Qianjiang River was rolling with it. At this time, Jiaolong had fallen into a madness, and he rushed to Lingfeng again 。

"Come on, I'll do justice for heaven today, and I'll take your dragon's tendon."

With a wave of his hand, Ling Feng bumps into the dragon's head. At this time, Ling Feng rides on the dragon's back. The Dragon keeps rolling and wants to throw Ling Feng out. But Ling Feng on his back is as stable as Mount Tai.

"Green spirit sword."

Ling Feng shouts, a flash of light, and the green spirit sword appears in Ling Feng's hand. At this time, Jiaolong roars. It feels the terrible sword power of Ling Feng and rushes down to the bottom of the river. In its eyes, as long as it can throw the guy on its back, it will not be in danger.

At this time, the man did not dare to rush into the water, and he didn't understand it.

Seeing this scene, all the people on the shore were stunned. They couldn't believe their eyes. It was a seven step dragon, which was driven directly into the bottom of the river by master Ling. It seemed that master Ling was riding on his back and wanted to strip him.

Now they know how ignorant they are. Even if they want to die together in the face of the seventh level dragon, they will only die because they can't bear the impact of the dragon.

On the surface of the river, Jiaolong is still running around. Ling Feng is not in a hurry. Instead, he looks at Jiaolong and says, "yes, I'll see how long you can jump today."

As if to understand Ling Feng's words, Jiaolong roared loudly, and then came a 360 degree turn. At this time, it tried to use this method to throw Ling Feng down directly, but his idea really came true.

Ling Feng directly left his back and floated in the air. Looking at Jiaolong, he said with a smile: "I heard that the intelligence of spirit beast is very high, even much higher than that of human beings. Today I saw you, and I found that the legend is not credible. If your intelligence is so strong, it's only a half pass."

Ling Feng is standing in mid air. He knows that Jiaolong is crazy and doesn't want to run away at all. So he stands opposite Jiaolong and says jokingly. Sure enough, when he hears Ling Feng's words, Jiaolong rushes down to Ling Feng again, and the speed is as fast as a meteor.

Seeing this scene, the people on the shore suddenly changed their faces. They could feel the terrible power of Jiaolong. If master Ling confronts head-on, is there a chance of winning?

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