"The sect leader is closing now. If we dare to go in and disturb him, I'm afraid we won't be killed by master Ling. We will be killed by the sect leader first." Another elder said quickly.

"Now there is no time to think about these things. We can only gamble now. Come on When the elder finished, a disciple went to lingcao cave in Yaowang Valley to inform the ghost master. The elders looked at each other and ran to lingcao cave.

At this time, in lingcao cave, the ghost door Director Tian in black robe is practicing with his eyes closed. Several dark Qi circles around him all the time. Although Ren Tian closes his eyes tightly, his face is sweating and his dark Qi is more and more. Ren Tian feels all this with a smile on his face. He is about to burst out and can really control all the Yin Qi in the world.

At this time, the figure rushed out of the door and roared

The sound spread all over lingcao cave. Hearing the sound, all the black air in the cave suddenly disappeared, and a mouthful of blood gushed out from Ren Tian's mouth. At the most critical moment, Ren Tian's previous achievements were wasted because of these sounds. If he hadn't responded in time, he would have been seriously injured.

"Damn it."

Ren Tian opens his eyes, and his whole body is full of murderous spirit. He comes to several elders with a flash of his hand. The elder who just yelled suddenly seems to be grabbed by his neck with both hands and directly lifted up.

"A bunch of rubbish, you made me close for more than three months, and almost made me seriously injured. You should die."

Ren Tian's face became extremely ferocious. Just when he was about to kill the elder, the other elders quickly said: "hold on, master Ling has broken in. The array we arranged has been broken by him."

Hearing what they said, Ren Tian frowned and waved his big hand again. The elder who was caught in midair landed instantly. Ren Tian looked at them and frowned and asked again, "what did you just say? Master Ling is here? How did he find it? "

"We don't know. The only thing we can know is that master Ling has destroyed all the arrays we set up. We can feel master Ling's breath. He's really here." Several elders said quickly, and their faces were full of fear.

At this time, Ling Feng doesn't know about lingcao cave. He goes to the depths of Yaowang valley. For the vigilant ghost disciples on both sides, Ling Feng doesn't kill them for the first time. Instead, he confines the outer space of the whole Yaowang valley. Unless his strength is higher than Ling Feng, no one can break Ling Feng's space.

"This is the law of space, the confinement of space. It's worthy of brother Ling." Feeling the situation of the surrounding space, the old man said with a smile, but at this time, the old man was very surprised. He didn't see how Ling Feng arranged the space, but the whole space had been closed and imprisoned at this time.

"well, these people will be handed over to you. Under the confinement of my space, unless they are stronger than me, no one can run, I only have one to run I'm not asking for one Feng Ling said lightly.

"Don't worry, brother Ling. I'll take care of these scum."

The old man excitedly said, a flash, directly came to the Guimen disciple in front of, haven't waited for them to escape, the old man directly grabbed a disciple, big hand wave, that disciple has died. And the old man rushed towards the others.

In lingcao cave, Ren Tian also feels the breath of Ling Feng and the old man. He immediately frowns and says, "yes, it's the breath of master Ling. He also brings a helper. It seems that he wants to destroy our ghost gate. It seems that we should think of a way. We can't wait to die."

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