"Xiao Feng? What's going on? "

Mr. Ling stood up and asked with a puzzled look on his face. A group of people around him were also very puzzled. There was a trace of tension in their eyes. Ling Feng said with a smile:

"it's OK. Let's have a good taste of our new dishes. I'll go out and have a look."

"Ling Xiaoyou, old man, I have nothing to do. I'll go and have a look with you."

Hearing that Ling Feng is going out, Xianjun stands up and says, "Ling Feng doesn't pay attention to this and is ready to go out directly. But when they come out, Zhu Jiazhu and the young people have arrived at the door. A row of seven rolls Royces are blocking the door of the hotel. Zhu Jiazhu shouts out loud:

" the Northeast Zhu family is ordered by the Royal beast hall to come to Qilin hotel. Master Ling, hurry up Hand over the people who killed the Royal beast sect. "

After hearing this, many big men in the restaurant stood up with a bad face. Many of them turned a blind eye to the Northeast Zhu family. After all, they were the blood of the Ming Dynasty. But they didn't expect that this kindness caused such a big disaster.

"Go. Let's go and have a look. "

Qin Wei, Jiang Tianlang and others were very pale when they heard Zhu's words. They stood up one after another and said that the Zhu family had chosen the opening day of Qilin hotel to smash the market. It seems that they had planned it for a long time.

"Master, the young man coming out is master Ling. You should be careful. The old man on the left behind him is the murderer you are looking for who killed the Yushou sect." See Ling Feng a face of ice cold walk out, Zhu Jiazhu hurriedly hide behind the young man said.

Young people disdain to care, standing in situ looking at Ling Feng, eyes full of disdain, Ling Feng came out, looking at the young man, a cold face said: "today I don't want to cause trouble, roll."

Hearing Ling Feng's words, the young man didn't get angry. Instead, he pointed to Taiyi behind Ling Feng with a smile and said, "today you don't want to make trouble. In fact, it's very simple. Give the old man to me and I'll leave immediately. Otherwise, I'm afraid you can't open the Qilin hotel. Well, you can understand that I'm threatening you."

The young man's words are very proud. If it wasn't for the threat in his words, the smile on his face would really make people think that he and Ling Feng are good friends and meet again after a long time. Ling Feng looked at the young man and said again, "it seems that you didn't understand what I said. Now it's still time to roll."

"Yes? But I must take him away today. What shall I do? " The momentum of the young man suddenly burst out, and then said with a cold face, the family owners who came out behind Ling Feng suddenly felt cold all over, and looked at the young man in front of him in fear.

"It's funny. Who do you think your momentum can scare? I'll say it again. Get out, or you'll die today." Ling Feng looked at him and said with a smile.

"Presumptuous, master Ling, do you think you can do whatever you want? The man standing in front of you is the master of our Zhu family. If you want to keep the Qilin hotel open, you should hand over the old man. Otherwise, don't blame my master for his anger. " The young man didn't speak yet. Zhu Jiazhu, standing behind him, said coldly.

If he didn't have the support of the young people in front of him, he would not dare to be arrogant in front of Ling Feng even if he gave the Zhu family a pair of leopard courage. But now, he believes that the people sent by the Royal beast hall must be very strong, so he said fearlessly.

"Hahaha, it's really interesting. Who can tell me who this dobby is? I'll give him one percent of the shares of Kirin Hotel." Ling Feng points to Zhu Jiazhu and says with a smile.

Hear Ling Feng's words, all the people on the scene have what Ling Feng means. Ling Feng doesn't pay attention to them at all. At this time, master Jiang comes out, looks at the Zhu family leader in front of him, and says faintly: "Mr. Ling, I know him."

"Mr. Jiang, please go ahead."

"These people are in a secret place near Changbai Mountain. They are all Zhu family members of Ming Dynasty. They were chased and killed by the Qing army, and finally they were hidden in the secret place of Changbai Mountain. However, they still fantasize that this world belongs to their Zhu family. A few years ago, the Zhu family leader once joined the world and said that the world belongs to them. But he was taught by the sword God on the spot and went back to their secret place. I was there and witnessed the whole process. " Jiang Lao looked at Zhu Jiazhu and said faintly.

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