Hidden in the dark in the eyes of the major forces with shock, they have not yet been able to wake up from the Lingfeng hard anti thunder picture, and at this time watching Lingfeng open his eyes, his face is not pale, too a stand in Lingfeng side, excited said: "Ling brother, nothing, after the old man my life is yours."

"Come on, don't talk about it. Although I received all the thunder, you should also understand your Dao road." Ling Feng looks at too one, then light say.

"I feel a little change, but I don't know what it is. Anyway, brother Ling, thank you for your kindness." Too a looking at Ling Feng, or a face excited.

"Ling Xiaoyou's strength is really terrible. I didn't expect that our action today actually caused Tianlei robbery. It seems that he was dissatisfied with the way of heaven, but Ling Xiaoyou went against the sky and could fight back Tianlei robbery. Sure enough, I owe Ling Xiaoyou my life, old man. " Xianjun said lightly. Xianjun has been feeling the breath of Lingfeng, found that Lingfeng did not suffer a lot of impact damage, just said with a sigh of relief.

"Hahaha, I have to wait until I return to the fairyland to use Xianjun, but I think if I can return to the fairyland, I'm afraid the strength of Xianjun will go up to a higher level." Ling Feng said with a smile.

"It's a pity that the immortal road has been destroyed. I'm afraid it's more difficult for us to go back to the immortal world." Xianjun shook his head and said.

"Not really. You just wait for me to arrange everything, and then we'll go back to the fairyland together." Hearing Xianjun's words, Ling Feng said with a smile.

"What? You want to go back to the immortal world? But now you've offended the Royal beast hall. I'm afraid many forces in the whole immortal cultivation world will trouble you. They are powerful. Although most of them are immortal, there are still some immortal kings. " Hearing Ling Feng's words, Xianjun said quickly. He wanted to return to the fairyland for a long time, but the fairyland was destroyed. Although Xianjun looked for it for a long time, he did not find a way to return to the fairyland directly. Now hear Ling Feng's words, let Xianjun surprised.

"No, I found another way, but I really want to thank the Tianlei robbery today. If it wasn't for him, I couldn't find my way back, but maybe it was destiny." Ling Feng said with a smile, but everyone did not find that Ling Feng eyes with a ray of light, this light with excitement, but also with anger, even Ling Feng himself is not clear.

"What does brother Ling mean?" Hear Ling Feng's words, the immortal gentleman doubts of ask a way, he don't understand Ling Feng exactly what meaning.

"It's OK. Believe me, we'll be back to fairyland soon." Looking at the appearance of Xianjun doubt, Ling Feng did not directly break, but looked at Xianjun said with a smile. He doesn't want Xianjun to know too much now, and there are outsiders here. Hearing Ling Feng's words, Xianjun is very excited. He didn't expect that he had been waiting for thousands of years in the martial arts world, and finally he could go back.

"What? If you are in a hurry to go back, I can find a way to take you back first. " Looking at Xianjun's face excited, Ling Feng said with a smile.

"Hahaha, Ling Xiaoyou, I've been waiting for thousands of years. It's not a bad time. But from today on, I'm tied to your boat. You can't throw me down on the way." Xianjun said with a laugh.


Ling Feng nodded and didn't say anything. At this time, Tai Yi, who didn't understand Ling Feng's words, looked at Ling Feng excitedly and said again, "brother Ling, you will be my boss in the future. Hahaha, you don't have anything to do. If you don't want to take a few bottles of fairy wine out, we will celebrate."

"Go away."

Ling Feng is very speechless to Taiyi. He pushes Taiyi away directly. Then he looks at the hiding place of several big forces in the distance and says with aura: "I say that since you haven't escaped, I think you don't want to hide. Come out and have a chat."

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