Kaohsiung naturally knows what Ling Feng means. Although he doesn't know what kind of existence Ling Di is in the fairyland, those who can be called emperor in the fairyland are all super masters of the level of emperor. Although he heard from daozong that Ling Di's strength has declined, even the immortal can beat him, now Ling Di stands in front of him, and he knows that it's all fake.

So Kaohsiung told Ling Feng everything he knew, including about the teleportation array. Over the years, many strong people have been looking for the teleportation array, but they have not found it. Many people even use brute force to start the abandoned teleportation array, and it is no longer there. So the strong people in the four domains give up the idea.

"It's not easy to want to go out. That's interesting. Is that a test? "

Ling Feng frowned, and then said to himself, as soon as he entered the secret world, he asked Tu Ling about the transmission array. Tu Ling and Kaohsiung said the same thing. It seems that it's not easy to go out. Ling Feng frowned. He always felt that there was a push behind the incident, and the reason why he entered the secret world was for Ling Feng The test of the future.

"Ling Di, our secret place is the place abandoned by the fairyland. Thousands of years ago, the sword emperor fought with a demon supremacy, and the sword emperor cut out the secret place. Later, it became the place where the abandoned people lived. Later, several forces of the fairyland appeared together in the secret place, destroyed our transmission array, and made it impossible for us to go out." Kaohsiung said again.

After hearing these words, Ling Feng finally understood what Tu Ling had said before. This was the secret space of his star sword technique when he was fighting against the devil kingdom. Ling Feng also thought about it. I'm afraid it's not as simple as he thought.

The earth doesn't know which great power has closed it directly and destroyed the immortal road. Ling'er is besieged by several immortal emperors. She is reborn and becomes a divine envoy. When she finally returns to the immortal world, she enters the crevice again. But the transmission array of the secret place in the crevice space was destroyed by the powerful hand of fairyland.

"Lingdi, what I can know is that many Xiandi in the fairyland united to fight against Jiandi, and later Jiandi fell. However, the Immortal Emperor of the fairyland launched a great purge of the whole fairyland, and it was also because after that purge, many immortal emperors who stayed below the third level of the Immortal Emperor suddenly broke through. There are a lot of great immortals in the whole circle Kaohsiung quickly said that he was originally a member of fairyland, but later he offended a super power and was demoted to a secret place in the crevice space. The reason why he offended that super power was because of the great purge.

"So it is. I see." Ling Feng nodded and said.

"If Lingdi wants to go back to the fairyland, he'd better go to the water area. After all, only the water area is next to the space barrier in the secret place. Maybe he can do something about it." Kaohsiung said again.

"By the way, how do you get in touch with Xianjie daozong every time? Since there is no way to enter the secret place, do you have any secret methods?" Ling Feng looks at Kaohsiung and asks again.

"Every time they send people to find us in the secret place, we have no way to go out and contact them. They usually come only once a few months." Kaohsiung said quickly, as if he suddenly understood what Ling Di meant.

"It seems that they just destroyed the transmission array in the secret place. In this case, I'll go to the golden region." Ling Feng showed a smile, and then said.

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