"It's OK, don't call people. This man is really stronger than me, but we have so many people that we are not afraid of them at all! Brothers, give it to me, I don't believe they can beat so many of us! " The middle-aged man said loudly with murderous air in his eyes.

"No, Ling Di, there are so many of them. Good tigers can't stand the wolves. Let's move quickly!"

Hearing the middle-aged man's words, Kaohsiung's face changed. Although he is powerful, he is not sure if he can face hundreds of monks. No matter how strong he is, he will die in the end!

"No, I'll see what they can do! Don't be merciful Lingfeng light said!

"Well, I'll do my best to kill them all!" Hearing Ling Feng's words, Kaohsiung can only nod and say that he believes in Ling di. As long as Ling Di says kill, then kill!

At this time, the other side also rushed up, hundreds of monks towards the two attacked, the momentum of terror swept the whole space, frightening.

Kaohsiung rushes directly into the crowd and constantly attacks. Many practitioners think Ling Feng is young and they don't have much ability, so they rush up to Ling Feng. With a wave of Ling Feng's hand, countless green spirit swords appear in the sky and rush down to these friars!


The strength of these people is just the golden elixir and Yuan infant period. How can their body protection aura resist Ling Feng's green spirit sword? Soon, the green spirit sword directly penetrates their bodies, dripping with blood, and falls to the ground. The middle-aged man standing in the distance is silly to see the flying sword. He didn't expect that the strength of the other side is so terrible that he could summon countless flying swords to kill him Kill me!

For so many years, he has robbed many powerful people, but he has never seen such a terrible person who can control countless flying swords. For the first time, the middle-aged man has suffered heavy losses, and the hundreds of people he brought are basically dead!

"Three elder brothers, the other side is a hard idea, we can't fight, retreat or call elder brother to come!" One of his subordinates said quickly. He looked at the flying sword all over the sky and asked in panic.

"Ask the boss to come. If we can't even fight them today, how can we get along in the future? Ask the boss to bring more brothers to support us!" The middle-aged man's face was very ugly and said that he was also angry at this time. Hundreds of brothers had already died, so they were left alone.

"It's presumptuous of you to dare to kill so many of my brothers. Today, I will tear you to pieces to comfort these brothers who died!" The middle-aged man clenched his fist and said angrily that although hundreds of his subordinates had died, they also asked the boss for support. Soon, the boss would bring people to support. There is no doubt that these two will die in time!

"I don't know. Do you think you have any ability to escape? I'm looking for death Kaohsiung stood opposite him and said coldly. In fact, Kaohsiung was also shocked. He didn't expect that Ling Feng summoned countless flying swords to kill those practitioners. Kaohsiung killed only a few people, and the remaining hundreds of practitioners were all killed by Ling Di's sword array!

"I don't believe it, you go to die for me!"

The middle-aged man said loudly, he burst out all the aura in his body, all gathered in his left hand, and then a blow came out, with amazing power. All the surrounding space was broken, and the fist seal was like a giant dragon, rushing directly to Kaohsiung!

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