"Well, let me see what you can do!"

Words fall, gun god Luo Ao directly raised the long gun in hand, toward the man rushed past, Luo Ao's gun speed is fast, and the angle is very tricky, the man has not responded, the long gun has arrived in front of him, a shot will penetrate his body.


A loud noise, Luo Ao gun pick man, directly throw the man out, the man was dripping with blood, fell to the ground, direct death, see Luo Ao a move to kill, many people are shocked!

"The God of gun is worthy of being the God of gun. It's too fast. Before you can see his long gun clearly, it's already in front of you. It's impossible to defend it!"

"Yes, in this way, who else can be his opponent? He can't make ten moves with him at all. Even if he doesn't make three moves, he's probably dead!"

"Hahaha, are you afraid to come up?"

Luo Ao looked at the people around him and said with a haughty face, as long as the nine experts in front of him don't fight, then Luo Ao won't be afraid of anyone, because he believes that in front of his spear. No one is his opponent. After five minutes, no one dares to come up! A lot of people are watching in the dark, want to wait and see!

"I don't believe it. I'll do it!"

At this time, a man stood on the stage, he looked at Luo Ao, a face of murderous, hand a sword, ready to hand at any time, Luo Ao looked at him, and then said with a smile: "OK, you do your best, I also want to see what you have in the end!"

"Yes? Today, I'll show you what it means to have heaven and people outside the sky! "

Words fall, Luo Ao suddenly feel the temperature around is very hot, the air is full of burning feeling, soon, Luo Ao suddenly appeared around countless flames, flame will Luo Ao wrapped in it, and then continue to squeeze, want to directly burn Luo Ao!

"I see how you can resist my fire!"

The man laughs and says that the sword in his hand is only used to confuse Luo Ao, and the real strength is his flame. Just when everyone shakes their heads and regrets for Luo Ao, suddenly, the man's face changes, because he feels that his flame is suddenly out of control!


A long gun directly rushed out of the fire, like a long dragon, which was frightening. However, the long gun burst out of the fire, did not stop, but directly rushed to the man. The speed was so fast that the man had no time to react. The long gun directly pierced the man's body. The man fell to the ground in fear, and he didn't know how he died! Then Luo Ao came out of the fire and said with disdain, "is there anyone else going to challenge you?"

"It's really miserable. Those two men were very strong just now, but they didn't even catch a move from the Musketeer!"

"I'm afraid the God of gun has understood the road. Unless the strong men in front of him make a move, no one can beat him at all!"

Many people hear Luo Ao's words and shake their heads one after another. Just now, there are two living examples. Who dares to go up to die? Luo Ao looks at them and says with disdain again: "if you go up together, as long as you can survive my three moves, I will give you five hundred pieces of spirit stone!"

Hearing Luo Ao's words, many people's faces changed again. They didn't expect Luo Ao to be so arrogant, so they said one after another: "if we work together, although we can't defeat Luo Ao, it's no problem to survive five moves!"

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