"Yes? Do you think you can be my opponent? Let me see, you are a mole ant who dare not show others. What are your abilities Ling Feng frowned and said again!

The master of Da Neng domain was angry. He didn't expect Ling Feng to call him mole ant 30000 times. How could he bear it? Da Neng's voice fell down again: "Jiandi, you bully people too much. Since you are looking for your own death today, I will kill you by the will of heaven. Today you will surely die!"

Then, a pair of giant fists appeared in the mid air, directly hit Ling Feng. When the giant fist fell, the surrounding space was directly fragmented. The giant fist was very strong, strong, and seemed to be able to crush everything. Ling Feng frowned, and he also felt the pressure of the fist. If it was still in Yuan's infancy, I'm afraid Ling Feng would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

Looking at the giant fist that is getting closer and closer to him, Ling Feng frowns. His aura bursts out in an instant. Ling Feng breaks through the robbery period. This is the first time that he faces a strong enemy. He should do his best and not be careless. Otherwise, he may die!

"Ha ha ha, let me see what you can do!"

Ling Feng's words fell. He put all the aura into his left fist and blew it out directly. In an instant, a terrible aura rushed out. A crack was torn out directly by the aura and collided with the giant fist.


The deafening explosion sounds, and the two collide together. The aftereffects of terror directly sweep the whole space. Unfortunately, Ling Feng's aura is scattered by giant fist. But giant fist has nothing to do with it, and continues to rush down towards him! There was also a voice of disdain from the master of the great energy in the air.

"Sword emperor, is that all you have? I think you were also the supreme of the fairyland, but you are too weak. I'll crush you to death! "

The giant fist rushes down towards Ling Feng again. It's very fast and frightening. Ling Feng frowns. He doesn't expect that the strength of the other side is much stronger than himself. He can even make Ling Feng feel fear. This is the first time Ling Feng has felt fear since he was born. No matter how strong the opponent he met before, Ling Feng is very firm in his heart. But now, he is afraid !

But Ling Feng won't be afraid. Even if his opponent's strength is terrible, he won't be a little afraid. As the sword emperor, Ling Feng has defeated countless strong men for 5000 years, and has never been afraid of anyone at all.

"sword emperor, go to die!"

The master of the powerful domain said coldly that the giant fist was about to hit Ling Feng. The pressure of terror was very strong. With a wave of his hand, Ling Feng engulfed the field and rushed directly to the giant fist. Unfortunately, it was useless to engulf the field in the face of the giant fist!


With a loud bang, the giant fist smashed the phagocytic field directly, and the phagocytic field disappeared instantly. Da Neng said with disdain: "sword emperor, you have this ability, and you want to kill me. It's just like a mantis arm is a car, and you can't help yourself!"

Ling Feng was also very shocked. He didn't expect that giant fist was so terrible, even more terrible than he expected. However, Ling Feng was very puzzled that the power of the master of the great power domain might have surpassed all the strongmen in the secret world, at least above Xianjun, but why did he hide? What is his intention?

At this time, Ling Feng doesn't care how much he thinks, because the giant fist is almost in front of him, even the field of swallowing has been broken, so Ling Feng can only use the sword array. With a wave of his big hand, there are countless green spirit swords behind him. He rushes up to the giant fist, fast and powerful!

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