"No, fairy, I must take you away. Don't worry, I will take you away. As long as I take you to Jiandi, you will be saved. You believe me!" Hearing the weak voice of Biluo fairy, yun'er says quickly. Of course, she knows the current situation of Biluo fairy, but even so, he can't give up Biluo fairy!

"Well, yun'er, I know I can't, yun'er, what's your identity? Can you tell me? " Looking at yun'er in front of her, the fairy said faintly that she had just heard the conversation between the housekeeper and others. Yun'er's strength was even higher than her, and she was about to reach the realm of the fairy king, which surprised the fairy!

"Actually, I don't know who I am? I have lost all my previous memories. My memory started when I met a fairy, but my accomplishments began when I remember things. But it's very strange. I don't have aura flow at all. Only when I make a move, will aura show. The previous jade pendant was given by Ling Feng, the sword emperor, in order to prevent someone from doing harm to you! " Yun'er looks at Biluo fairy and says,

when Biluo picked her up, he was only ten years old. Without Biluo fairy, yun'er would have died long ago! Although yun'er is the maid of Biluo fairy in name these years, in fact, Biluo fairy treats her like a sister!

"Well, yun'er, I believe you will be able to find your memory one day, so you need to live and go quickly. I know my own situation now. Even if I can escape from them, I can't live any more. Go quickly!" Bi Luo fairy said again, she has no strength to push yun'er now.

"No, fairy, I must take you out!"

Words fall, yun'er continues to support Bi Luo fairy to run outside, yun'er understands, she can't let go, if he let go, then Bi Luo fairy body has no jade effect, he will directly fall to death! So he must not let go!

At this time, the housekeeper frowned and searched carefully with divine sense, but they didn't find the trace of Biluo fairy. Several other people in black had already laid a net, but they still didn't find the whereabouts of Biluo and others!

"An hour has passed. Where are they hiding?" The housekeeper's face was very ugly. He frowned and said that he was very flustered now. If the sword emperor knew about it, it would be over. Let alone him, even the whole writer would be destroyed!

"Captain, do you think they will run out of our control?" A man in black frowned and said!

"It's impossible. They are seriously injured. No matter how strong they are, they can't escape from here at all. And if they really escape, how can we not feel the aura fluctuation? But now we don't even feel the aura fluctuation, which means they must still be in the mountains. We must find them today!" Said the housekeeper in a loud voice!

At this time in the sky, the actual effect of the jade pendant is almost over, yun'er is still gritting her teeth and dragging the body of Bi Luo fairy forward, but at this time Bi Luo has closed her eyes and is not talking, and the whole person's breath is not always there!

"Fairy, don't worry. Even if you die, I will die with you!"

Words fall, yun'er drags the body of Bi Luo fairy directly to the ground to fall down, jade pendant immediately invalid, they want to quickly fall to the ground, otherwise they even if not seriously injured and died, will also fall to death!

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