Ling Feng has long thought that this is the stratagem of the blue wind sword emperor. These forces must be subordinated to the ninth emperor of the fairyland. The powerful people in the demon world were full of resentment against them. For tens of thousands of years, the demon world united with the fairyland, and they didn't know how many demons had been destroyed. Now they finally have the chance to revenge!

"Ling Feng, why do these demons fix their hands on those who cultivate immortals? Now, these demons just kill innocent people indiscriminately. Should we take care of it? If we go on like this, I'm afraid all those who cultivate immortals in Jiuzhou will be killed!" Said the Jiuzhou green fairy, now they can't bear to kill a snail.

"Biluo, sometimes kindness is not a good thing. You know what these people do when they enter the demon world may not be better than the demon repair. These demon repairs are just revenge. We don't have to intervene, do you understand? The world teaches us a truth: the law of the jungle, if you don't want to be killed by other forces, the best way is to make yourself strong! Have you forgotten the writer? " Lingfeng light said!

"Ling Feng, I understand what you said, but now they are killing the whole fairyland Kyushu. Anyway, we are all members of fairyland, but they are demon repair. Is it difficult for fairyland to become the world of demon repair?" Bi Luo fairy said again, no matter what, he couldn't bear to see the fairyland immortal being killed, so he hoped Ling Feng could help them!

"Don't worry, they can't occupy the fairyland. Well, we should go straight back later!" Ling Feng frowned and said, to tell you the truth, Ling Feng didn't like the fairyland Kyushu fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland at all. He took the helm when he saw the wind!

"OK, but Ling Feng, how can the demon world come to the fairyland? Shouldn't there be an array to intercept between the two worlds? How did they break in? " The fairy nodded and asked suspiciously!

"It must be the blue wind sword emperor. As for why he did it, you will know later!" Ling Feng said with a smile! They didn't explain much. Just as they were about to leave, many immortals saw Ling Feng in mid air. They cried out: "you see, it's the supreme sword emperor. The sword emperor is coming. The sword emperor can help us!"

"Sword emperor, help! Help

Countless immortals see Ling Feng and Biluo fairy, yell, in the face of the powerful demon world, they have no way, even the way to resist their evil spirit, can only wait to die, now see Ling Feng and others, they have long regarded Ling Feng as a life-saving straw!

Hearing their shouts, Ling Feng looks at them. They want to beg for mercy. With a smile in their eyes, Ling Feng doesn't pay any attention to them at all. He is going to leave with the fairy!

"Ling Feng, let's go and save them!" Biluo fairy can't bear to talk again!

"Biluo, did you forget two months ago? How do they treat us? If I didn't wake up, I'm afraid we would have died in their hands. For such people, I don't want to save them! " Lingfeng cold said! Ling Feng really doesn't want to save him!

"You see, in mid air, the man is only immortal. Ha ha ha, I didn't expect that we would destroy all the people in the immortal world below. There are still immortal people who dare to see the play in mid air. Don't they want to die by themselves?"

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