So in this case, if taiyisan want to live, they must go back first. Ling Feng came here to persuade them to know the earth first. After all, their cultivation is too low. Even if they follow Ling Feng, Ling Feng can't protect their safety. But Ling Feng didn't expect that these three people always want to go back to the earth!

"Boss, let me tell you something. Taiyi is right. We want to go back. In our present situation, even if we stay, it will take thousands or even tens of thousands of years to practice as soon as possible. We can't help you at all, and our practice will not be smooth. In this case, we want to go back to the earth, at least there are our families, At least we can protect your family, so that the three of us won't feel useless. Sorry, we let you down! " Canglong stood up, a face of guilt said!

"Well, you have a point, so go back!" Hearing Cang Long's words, Ling Feng nods. He knows that Cang Long and others are talking from the heart. They really have no use here. It's different when they return to the earth. With their current cultivation, it can be said that no one can beat them on the earth, and they can really protect the safety of Lin Yue and Ling's family!

"What did you say, boss? Can we go back now? "

Hearing Ling Feng's words, the three people asked excitedly. Ling Feng didn't speak. He thought about the three people's words carefully. He also felt that he was too arbitrary at that time. He didn't think of a way out for them in the future. He took them to the fairyland, and then did other things himself. He didn't care about their feelings at all!

"Well, of course you can go back. Now that you have decided, as your boss, I respect your decision too!" Ling Feng looked at three people with excited face, nodded and said!

"But, boss, you took us to the fairyland and we went back like this. Aren't you very disappointed with us?" Looking at Ling Feng, too a low head says.

Ling Feng looked at them, with a smile on his face, and then shook his head and said: "in fact, I'm not disappointed with you. I'm very glad that you can come to this step in recent months. Maybe I didn't consider it well. If you three are allowed to live in fairyland like this, I'm afraid you can't survive for so many years. In this case, you should go back, maybe you're right You will be more profitable! "

"Boss, if you say that, the three of us are even more shameless. At the beginning, the three of us used countless ways to get this opportunity. It was our fault and we failed to live up to the opportunity you gave us!" Too one hears Ling Feng's words, hastily lowers the head to say!

"Well, don't put so much pressure on yourself. You won't think so much during your practice. Now that you want to go back, you can clean up. I'll send you back later. I'll go out to see daoxianjun first. You can clean up!" Lingfeng light said, after that, Lingfeng walked towards the outside, has been more than half an hour, Lingfeng believe Avenue immortal Jun and blue wind sword emperor should talk over!

Seeing Ling Feng's departure and thinking of what Ling Feng had just said, the three suddenly felt a burst of excitement, and they were very happy. They quickly began to clean up. In fact, they didn't bring anything when they came to the fairyland, and what they had to clean up was all the natural materials, local treasures and some lingcao elixirs that Dao Xianjun had found for them during this period of time!

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