Feeling the terrible momentum, all the immortals around talked about it one after another. They were full of hatred in their eyes. They had been locked up for countless years, and finally came out of the underworld dungeon. Now surrounded by such terrible momentum, they must kill them. These immortals also have dreams, but they didn't expect to fall into this trap! It seems that I will die this time!

Hearing their words, Ling Feng shakes his head and laughs in the air. All immortal people immediately hear Ling Feng's laughter. They quickly look up and say, "who are you and what do you want to do?"

He can feel the momentum from Ling Feng. It seems that Ling Feng is the one who wants to kill them. All the immortals frown and must be angry. They are sealed by the demon world. In the face of such a terrible strongman, there is no doubt that they will die!

"Have you ever heard of xianmeng?" Lingfeng light said!

"Xianmeng, the xianmeng was defeated tens of thousands of years ago, and countless xianmeng strongmen were killed. Later, the xianmeng traitors set up a new xianmeng, but they just acted as dogs for the demon king and the Nine Emperors of the Xianjie. It's nothing at all. How, now xianmeng is going to deal with us, so as to ask for help from your demon lord? Come if you have the ability

"That's right. I was also a member of the immortal alliance. I was lucky to follow the leader of the alliance to fight in the East and West. At that time, we beat the hell out of the demon world. Now even if I die, I've earned it. I just regret that I can't kill you and let you insult the name of the immortal alliance everywhere!"

One of the immortals stood up and said in a loud voice. He stood there without fear. Others also showed a generous look to die. They knew that they had no chance to escape. Even if they died, they could not let these people look down upon them!

"Ha ha ha, that's interesting. What's your name?" Ling Feng heard the name of the immortal and asked with a smile!

"Xianlang, Xianjiang warwolf, this is the name given to me by the alliance leader. Hahaha, let me tell you this group of rubbish, our alliance leader Aotian has been resurrected. I believe your end will be no better than mine at that time!" Fairy wolf stood there and said loudly!

At this time, they don't care so much. They know that it's death, but they also want to vent their anger. Since there is no doubt that they will die, they will vent their anger. After hearing their words, the fairy Biluo is speechless. The fairy wolf says that he is a member of the fairy League, but their leader is standing in front of him!

"Immortal wolf, immortal general and war wolf, used to be a gifted orphan. The 97th ranking general of xianmeng is furious, especially after he is mad. Shuangye is red. I think you are like a blood wolf. That's why he gave you the word wolf at the beginning. I'm not wrong Ling Feng looked at him and remembered that this middle-aged man was one of the chance immortal generals who had accompanied him in the eastern expedition and the western war at the beginning!

"You... How do you know that?" Hear Ling Feng said the origin of his name, fairy wolf suddenly stunned, he looked at Ling Feng, doubt asked, when Ling Feng gave fairy wolf name, only a few people in. And those people are all dead except Xianying!

"Because that's the name I gave you!" Ling Feng looked at the fairy wolf and said with a smile!

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