In Ling Feng's mind, he has never underestimated the blue wind sword emperor. He can arrange such an overall situation and even sacrifice the future of several apprentices. This man is not simple at all. All this can only explain one problem. The blue wind sword emperor is very tolerant.

It's a layout of tens of thousands of years, but it's just for revenge on the magic hall. Ling Feng doesn't believe it at all. He knows that the purpose of the blue wind sword emperor is not simple. To get rid of this point of revenge, his intention is certainly not simple, and it has something to do with himself.

But he overestimated himself and underestimated Ling Feng. After Ling Feng came back, he was always on guard against the blue wind sword emperor. Before he did not know what his intention was, Ling Feng would not rest assured of him. In this war, Ling Feng wanted to secretly find out what plot he had!


At this time outside the magic hall, several magic generals rushed to the hall of the magic hall and cried out in panic!

"What's the matter?"

Hearing the words of the demon general, the demon king frowned and said, at this time, the immortal Alliance Army has not arrived. What can happen? The demon king did not know. He ignored a lot, ignored the demon cultivation, and ignored the two most powerful beings, a lucky cloud, a ink unicorn, and a yellow dragon. They were two top talents in those years!

"Report to the demon king that Mo Qilin broke into our outer hall. Now he is fighting with the eighteen demons. Even the demon emperor Longyun is seriously injured!" The devil will quickly say!

"What did you say?" Hear the words of evil general, evil Jun Leng next, then hasten to say!

"I didn't expect that this guy would gain something when he followed Aotian. Otherwise, how could he have such strength? Send our strong men to kill Mo Qilin. Otherwise, where is our magic hall in the future?" The devil said with a frown!

"No, how did he come? Why can he knock down our magic hall? We have set so many traps outside. How can none of them work? " The emperor frowned and said!

He thinks differently from the devil king. What he cares about is not how Mo Qilin attacks the devil's palace. What he cares about is how Mo Qilin evades so many guards and avoids all the traps to enter the devil's palace. If other immortal alliance armies do the same, then the devil's palace will be in crisis!

"I don't know!" The devil will frown and say!

"You do it according to the instructions of the demon king. I'll take care of all these things. I'll let Mo Qilin enter the inner hall at all costs!" The emperor frowned and said!


The immortal general said that and rushed out directly. At this time, the devil king was asking several devil saints guarding the traps. The devil king frowned and said, "where are the five devil saints?"

"My subordinates are here!" The five magic saints said quickly!

"You guard the traps in the demon world, but do you see that Mo Qilin has come to the demon hall and is fighting in the outer hall now? Don't you know these things?" Devil king is very angry, then say!

"What? Mo Qilin has arrived at the magic hall? But we didn't see it! " The five evil saints said in panic that they had been guarding the traps at each entrance before, but they didn't see Mo Qilin!

"What? You don't see. What do you do? You don't see from which entrance Mo Qilin comes in. Do you know that you are a bunch of rubbish when the immortal Alliance Army has broken down the magic hall? " Hearing the shock of the five demons, the devil said angrily!

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