"What did you say? The Qin family is so bold that they dare to fight against our Ling family. It seems that they really want to die. Even if Xiao Feng is not here, it's very easy to deal with the Qin family by virtue of Jiang yu'er's Lingyan Pavilion and our Ling family's original people, but they dare to choose. It's killing us to quarrel with the Ling family! I didn't know at the beginning, otherwise, no matter who he was, he would be destroyed! " After hearing this, master Ling was very angry and said with a frown!

"Grandfather, you don't know Lin Yue. Although he has a strong hand, he has to take the overall situation into consideration. Lin Yue can't tear his face with them without Ling Feng. Besides, the Dragon carving Firebird broke away from the team at that time, which almost made the Qin family succeed. But they didn't expect that Xiao Feng could come back and Huang Long from the team And ZuLong, they went to Lingjia manor yesterday, but I guess the result is not good! " Ling Yu said again!

"Well? What's up? I remember the relationship between the team and Xiao Feng is very good Hearing Ling Yue's words, Ling asked with some doubts. Even he could guess the result in his heart. Ling Feng was his grandson. He had been thrown out by Ling's family before. What Ling Feng did at that time, Ling still remembers!

"Before that, Diaolong helped the Ling family, but it was opened by the Shenhu team, which made Xiaofeng give the Shenhu team a good face. I don't think they could even get in. Last night, Lingyan Pavilion destroyed the Qin family, which was also for them to frighten other families!" Lingyu light said!

After listening to Ling Yu's words, Mr. Ling finished his tea, then looked at the blue sky and white clouds outside and said faintly, "it's good to let them know the strength of our Ling family and frighten many families by the way. It's a good thing for our Ling family and the whole country of Xia!"

Ling Yu didn't say anything when he heard him. They sat there drinking Pu'er in a cup. The whole world has entered a new era. The revival of aura is an opportunity, a challenge and an era of Ling family.

In Haicheng, Lingjia manor, Lingfeng is basking in the sun in the garden, enjoying the scenery outside. At this time, Lin Yue comes over and says, "Lingfeng, go to the hall to answer the phone. Mr. Jiang calls. It seems that he has something to do with you!"

"I know what they want to get angry with me. Let them do it by themselves. I want a result for these things. I don't care about other things. They can solve them by themselves!" When the Qin family was destroyed, Ling Feng naturally knew why Mr. Jiang called him, so he said with a smile!

"Oh, I'll go and say it!"

Lin Yue nodded, then went back to the living room, and said all the meaning of Ling Feng. Jiang Lao on the other side of the phone said helplessly: "OK, I know. Ling Feng, I didn't speak. He has already guessed what I want to do in my heart. Please let him rest assured, I know what to do!"

Jiang thought of a lot of things to say to Ling Feng, but he didn't think that Ling Feng already knew what he wanted to say. Thinking of this, Jiang shook his head. No one in the whole Jiang family can match Ling Feng by a tenth. Ling Feng's pattern, thinking and character are all higher than those of Jiang Tianyi!

Lin Yue said a few more words, then hung up the phone, walked to Ling Feng again, sat up, leaned his head on Ling Feng's shoulder, and said, "Ling Feng, do you know what Mr. Jiang wants to do?"

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