"Yin Yang and five elements are divided into eight trigrams, and the eight gates of life and death are good or bad! Eight gates of life and death, open

With Li Qingping's words falling, eight transparent gates formed in an instant, which surrounded Ling Feng. This is the eight gates of life and death array, and the eight gates are: "Xiu, Sheng, Shang, Du, Jing, die, Jing, open!" And among these gate array, the murderous spirit is very strong, very empty shop!

"Once the eight gates of life and death array comes out, even if you are a great Luo immortal, you will surely die!"

Li Qingping said faintly, and at this time, his eight life and death array has consumed too much of his manager! But as long as you can kill Ling Feng, everything is worth it!

With the change of Li Qingping's hands, the eight gates changed their positions quickly, and a powerful Dao Qi was emitted from each gate! The Dao Qi is several meters long and rushes towards Ling Feng. And Ling Feng was not afraid at all. He stood in the middle and didn't move!

Just when the Dao Qi is about to hit Ling Feng, Titan appears in front of Ling Feng again, blocking the eight Dao Qi!

The sword gas constantly impacts the Titan's body. In the blink of an eye, the giant has disintegrated, but Ling Feng says coldly:

"if your strength is only these, it will let me down, you can also die!"

"Ha ha, it depends on whether you have the ability." Li Qingping light said, although he will see life and death is very open, but he does not believe that Ling Feng can easily break his eight life and death array!

"You dare to get this little magic in front of me. Today I'll show you what magic is!" Lin Geng said faintly, and then the Hunyuan aura in his body was transformed into wood aura. A green light came from Ling Feng and wrapped his whole body in it. Then, with Ling Feng as the center, the flowers, plants and trees of the whole Tianshan Mountain grew rapidly under the moistening of aura. In an instant, the flowers, plants and trees on the Tianshan Mountain were surrounded by a layer of green light, absorbing aura crazily And then break through the limit of growth!

Ling Feng's Hunyuan aura is the purest aura in the world. Wrapped by it, the whole plants grow two or three meters long and extend to the foot of the mountain. All the viewers are shocked by this kind of magic. They can't believe their eyes!

"It's... it's magic!"

"It's amazing that someone can rely on one person's ability to make the whole Tianshan Mountains grow rapidly. How can people do this! "

"It must be magic. It's absolutely magic

The characters of the Tiandao family who watched the battle have been silly. They have never seen or even heard of such a scene! In addition to the Wang family, they have seen Ling Feng's ability before, so they are not so surprised!

Even Li Qingping was stunned. He never thought that Ling Feng in front of him was so powerful and possessed such terrible magic!

Is this the fairy art in the legend?

"Master Lingxian really deserves his reputation!" Li Qingping praised! And Ling Feng looked at him and didn't talk to him, just dozens of big trees suddenly appeared in the sky, directly toward the eight gates of the eight gates of the life and death array in the past.

"Boom boom!"

As the big tree hit the door, eight gates suddenly collapsed.


Eight doors collapsed, Li Qingping a mouthful of blood directly sprayed out, quickly dodged, but the air tree stream towards him in the past!

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