Although guitaiichiro has guessed that all the disappeared family members are dead, this sentence comes from Ling Feng's mouth, which makes him feel as if he has been dominated by fear. Although he is a demon cultivator with strong strength, he has no desire to fight in the face of master Ling, who can kill hundreds of warriors with a wave.

At this time, ghost Taiichiro has forgotten what Ling Feng said behind, but trembled all over and said: "master Ling, no, you are not master Ling, you are the devil, what are you? What are you doing in my family? "

"I'll give you one last chance to tell me who the existence behind you is. I can leave you a whole body, otherwise, you know what the consequences will be!"

Ling Feng ignored the problem of GUI taiyilang, but directly flashed in front of GUI taiyilang, grabbed GUI Taiyi and said coldly. Now he is very interested in the mysterious man behind the ghost Taiichiro, because Ling Feng finds that even his own divine sense doesn't feel that person, and he can avoid Ling Feng's divine sense. This is not an ordinary strong man, he must be a practitioner of the six realms!

"Damn it, let go of our master!"

Guitaiyilang didn't speak. The guards around him gave a loud drink and rushed out. In their eyes, guitaiyilang was their master. The master's life was in danger, so they had to do it.

Seven people, speed is very fast, directly toward Ling Feng rushed past, rowing for boxing, toward Ling Feng boom up, that speed, even Ling Tianyou did not realize what was going on.

"Dad, be careful!"

Ling Tianyou yells, but it's too late. Their fists are all on Ling Feng, but there's no movement. Ling Tianyou's worried heart is stunned there!

"No, back up!"

When the guards find that their attack can't do any harm to Ling Feng, their faces change greatly. They want to take back their fists quickly, and then distance themselves from Ling Feng, but they find that they can't leave at all, even their fists are as long as Ling Feng's body, and they can't move at all!

"No, no!"

They cried out in panic. At this moment, Ling Feng smiles with disdain and contempt. Then these guards find that the aura in their body is quickly absorbed by Ling Feng through their fists. No matter how they want to stop the transmission of aura, it doesn't work in the end!

Once the aura was exhausted, they knew that the consequences would be terrible, but no matter how they struggled, they could not change the fact that the aura in their bodies was quickly absorbed. After a few seconds, the faces of the guards all turned pale, and then turned yellow. The next second, their originally robust bodies began to dry up, and finally disappeared in the world.

The ace troops of GUI Tai's family, the demon cultivation guards who spent countless costs to refine, were killed by master Ling, and even disappeared. GUI Tai Ichiro who saw this scene was completely stupid, and despair filled his brain!

"Well, since you don't want to say it, I won't force you. I'll find the answer myself!" After solving those guards, Ling Feng has lost patience and directly uses soul searching technique. Under the soul searching technique, GUI taiyilang screams bitterly. In just one minute, GUI taiyilang has gone out of the air, and Ling Feng also shows a satisfied smile

in the end, Ling Feng's life is full of happiness

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