"How is it possible? How can they have that kind of strength? Martial arts rely on gradual progress all the way. How can they suddenly cultivate hard?" Hear Ling Feng's words, small five subconsciously said, but he suddenly thought of his three people get the chance from Ling Feng, instant Leng!

"OK, I'll tell you about the strength of their family. They have five levels of magic cultivation of one magic soldier, three levels of magic cultivation of five demons, a large number of other ransacking periods, hundreds of Yuan infant periods and golden elixir periods. They are just the strength of one family. Can I tell you more?

I'm afraid that if you've been to Xianmen, I'm afraid they'll be even more powerful I understand what I said, so what you want now is not to question me, but to reflect on what you have done for so many years! "

Hearing Xiao Wu's words, Ling Feng shook his head and said that if it wasn't for Xia mainland, if they weren't the backing of Xia mainland, Ling Feng would not talk to them about these things. After hearing Ling Feng's words, taiyisan's face changed instantly!

They know what Ling Feng means. The strength of their three major sects is not strong, but their strength now can't compare with that of a family in tortoise land. I think that their strength was too weak to threaten their clan!

But only a hundred years ago, they had such terrible strength, so they thought it was impossible at the first time. After all, mainland turtle is an island. How could their strength be so terrible? They don't have so many resources!

But think of this sentence is Lingfeng said, too one they don't have any intention, because Lingfeng has no time and no need to scare them, plus Lingfeng said the four families to their purpose, think of here, too one their face changed, back has been soaked in cold sweat!

Now the magic boy reappears. If he joins hands with the four families, I'm afraid they will lose. At that time, the life of Xia mainland will be ruined. Thinking of this, Tai Yi tentatively asks: "boss, since you've gone to turtle mainland, then the four families?"

"No, I know what you mean Ling Feng shook his head and said, heard Ling Feng's words, too one's face became very ugly, even some embarrassed!

Ling Feng ignored him, but said directly: "the four families have been solved by me. To tell you the truth, they are different from you. They have innate advantages, and they don't use resources to improve their accomplishments. Therefore, in order to avoid future troubles, now turtle land is gone. But in fact, according to my normal thinking, they won't move him. His disappearance is an accident, but it's a pity I tell you, these are not the reasons why you feel lucky.

If you never cut down the roots and record your psychology, sooner or later, you will fall down, and you will fall into the existence that you despise. As the strongest sect guarding the summer continent, I don't want your idiotic behavior to involve the whole summer continent. You remember that some things you have committed once will always be remembered, but you have committed twice, Don't think about the third time! "

"Boss, we get it!"

Hear Ling Feng's words, too a three people quickly gave Ling Feng a bow, and then respectfully said. They are glad that Ling Feng is a subordinate force. They are glad that Ling Feng has gone to tortoise mainland and solved their first future trouble!

"Go back and tell those old men to read more books. These things should have been seen clearly for a long time. There are so many adults. They can't see these things clearly!" Ling Feng shook his head and said!

"Don't worry, boss. When I go back, I'll tell my ancestors that we'll never make such mistakes again in the future." Too a nod hastily say!

"Well, I've said all these things, so I won't say any more. The future is still yours, but the Devil boy, do you want me to solve it?"

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