Magic boy, who is transformed into a dragon, hears Ling Feng's words in mid air. Originally, he would continue to attack Ling Tianyou's body. He stops in an instant and looks at Ling Feng tremblingly. He is surprised and asks, "who are you, and how do you know these things?"

But hear the words of magic boy, Ling Feng didn't pay attention to him. In Ling Feng's eyes, this thing is not qualified to pay attention to him at all. Ling Feng looks at Ling Tianyou, who is very embarrassed, and then says: "Ling Tianyou, what are you dawdling about? If you go back later, you'll wait for tomorrow's dinner!"

Hearing Ling Feng's words, Ling Tianyou got up from the ground. He spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face was slightly red. He said, "ah, yes, I was careless. I didn't expect to be attacked by this thing. Today I don't care what you have, you will die today!"

Ling Tianyou was a little flustered when the magic boy turned into a dragon. But Ling Feng's words made him wake up instantly. He stood there with a dissatisfied look on his face. His hands became fists and rushed up again!

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

Magic boy didn't wait for Ling Feng's answer, but he saw Ling Tianyou rushing towards him again. He said with disdain, and then jiaolongwei swept towards Ling Tianyou again. However, how can the same attack work for Ling Tianyou twice?

At this moment, Ling Tianyou suddenly appears a dark sword in his hand and cuts directly at Jiaolong's body. Seeing this scene, magic boy quickly dodges, and Ling Tianyou turns around and hits magic boy!

But Lingjiao couldn't find the devil's lair, so he couldn't find the devil's lair! Magic boy roared loudly: "it hurts me, damn it!"

"If it works, take me two more moves!"

Seeing that his fist was so useful, Ling Tianyou hit it again with a smile on his face. At this time, Ling Tianyou regarded the magic boy as the stake of his practice method and attacked him continuously! And he was so fast in mid air that magic boy couldn't catch him at all, but Ling Tianyou found the gap with one punch, several punches in succession, which made magic boy wail constantly!

Although lingtianyou's immortal aura is only the most basic, it's not what he can resist for magic boy. After being beaten by lingtianyou for more than 30 years, magic boy is desperate. He even knows that his result is death!


Jiaolong, who was filled with despair, suddenly yelled, and then opened his mouth. The black air of terror spewed out from his mouth. He knew that he was not Ling Tianyou's opponent, and even could not deal with him at all. In that case, he wanted to be buried with the Eastern Emperor and others, but Ling Feng stood there, which made him very scared!

He knew that Ling Feng would not give him that kind of opportunity, or even kill him with a move. In this case, the magic boy wanted to use his own ghost to sort out the terrible poison gas, so as to harm the whole world!

"Boss, what's the black fog he spits out for?"

See the black fog of big regiment gush out from the evil child mouth, the too one etc. of one side doubts of ask a way!

"No, the Devil boy wants to use his own ghost to harm the whole world. It's poison gas. If these poison gases disperse, I'm afraid the whole world will be over. Damn it. What are we going to do? " Before Ling Feng spoke, the Eastern Emperor took the lead in saying that he had studied the magic boy for so many years, and naturally understood what the black Qi represented!

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