Just when Feng Qi is stunned, chaos black inflammation has hit his light column. Originally, Feng Qi didn't take it as a matter, but he never thought that when chaos black inflammation covered the whole light column, his light column began to eat chaos black inflammation and enjoy it!

Seeing this scene, Feng Qi is stunned, and Ling Feng is also stunned. He doesn't know why the source of fire is. Originally, chaotic Heiyan, which has some aura, will be eaten by the other party. Originally, Ling Feng just wants to know how powerful the other party is, so he will try it with chaotic Heiyan, but now chaotic Heiyan has been eaten up by the other party!

Ling Feng waved his hand. He wanted to take back the whole chaotic black flame, but he found that the chaotic black flame resisted Feng Qi's attack, so the whole person rushed out directly, dodged past the pillar of light, and punched Feng Qi in the chest!

"The ants want to die!"

From the attack of chaos black flame to Ling Feng's fist now, it looks very long, but in fact it's just a moment. At this time, Feng Qi's attention is on his light column, and he vaguely feels that the light column is out of control!

So for Lingfeng sudden attack, he didn't notice, instead let Lingfeng drill a hole, it is because of this, he was a little angry, but he didn't put Lingfeng in his heart, in his heart, Lingfeng is just a mole ant, even if it is hard to take him a punch, it is also to scratch himself!

He's a real God. How could his defense be destroyed by a mole ant in fairyland? So when Ling Feng comes, Feng Qi doesn't avoid him, even with disdain in his eyes. He doesn't pay any attention to him at all. As soon as his voice falls, Ling Feng's fist has come!


The terrible fist directly hits Fengqi's body, and the explosion is deafening. With this fist falling, Fengqi's eyes are full of disdain. This fist does not pose any threat to her at all. But when he is ready to mock Ling Feng's roar, he suddenly opens his eyes and looks at Ling Feng thoughtlessly!

The next second, he looked down at the past, his chest or Lingfeng fist, and Lingfeng that arrogant full appearance also appeared in front of him.

"You, damn it!"

Feng Qi frowned and roared loudly. Originally, he disdained the five villages that had disappeared. His handsome facial features were wrinkled together, and his face turned white instantly. He thought Ling Feng, a mole ant, was nothing even if he punched himself. But he didn't think that the spirit in his body was rioting, and a blank spirit in Ling Feng's fist entered his body Inside, crazy impact in his body!

If it's just an ordinary aura, then it's not a common one to tickle Fengqi, but it's not an ordinary one at all. It's actually a chaotic aura, the most primitive one in heaven and earth. When this aura enters Fengqi's body, it bursts out the power of IDE. It can be said that Fengqi's body will be seriously injured!

Originally, the divine aura in Fengqi's body was also a kind of chaotic aura. After the chaotic aura entered, they had been disrupted. It is said that this is the only way to defeat the gods, and also the only way to fight against the gods. But so far, no one in the whole six realms, even the divine level, has been able to refine the complete chaotic year late!

So, this has always been a legend, a legend that has not been verified by anyone! However, the divine world has never admitted that in their eyes, all the chaotic auras are made up by the six realms themselves in order to avoid the servants of the divine world.

It's impossible to compete with the real God. Their aura is to create a little trouble for the God, but they will never win the God in the end, so many people in the divine world forget the legendary chaotic Aura!

But at this time, Feng Qi was shocked. He didn't expect that someone could really practice the spirit of chaos, and that person was still his own enemy, or he had formed an endless situation with himself!


Feng Qi's words fell. He wanted to directly suppress the chaotic aura in his body, but he couldn't suppress it at all. A mouthful of blood gushed out directly, and then the whole person flew out and the water fell to the ground!

"Ha ha ha, chaos aura. I didn't expect that someone really practiced chaos aura. I finally understood why you challenged me so confidently. No wonder you killed Xu Fu. That's good. You really impressed me!"

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