With that, the fairy took Ling Feng into the air. Ling Tianyou followed him. Although it was thousands of kilometers away from Haicheng, the three of them were very fast. In only five minutes, they appeared over Haicheng!

"God bless, you go home and talk to your mother and your grandfather, and then inform Jiang yu'er and others to stop searching and come back quickly. I'll take your father to buy clothes and take a bath in our hotel. If your father goes home like this, I'm afraid he will scare your grandfather and your mother!" Just arrived at Haicheng, the fairy said directly!


Ling Tianyou also thought of this layer, so he nodded and said, and flew directly to Ling's home. He wanted to tell his family the news quickly!

"Ling Feng, go to the hotel to take a bath first, and I'll buy you clothes!" After lingtianyou left, the fairy looked at Lingfeng and said affectionately!


Ling Feng nodded, then a flash, the whole person has disappeared, after more than ten minutes, Ling Feng appeared in the Hotel President's room, the whole hotel no one found him, Ling Feng stood in the bathroom, the underground is all from Ling Feng's body off the dead skin, in addition to hair and beard accident, Ling Feng now looks even younger than a year and a half ago, Ling Feng looked at himself Ji, feeling the hidden energy in his body, said to himself, "this is the legendary Pangu clan."

With that, Ling Feng cut off his beard and long hair. At this moment, the fairy Bi Luo opened the door, but after he came in, he was stunned.

At this time, Ling Feng is even younger than before, which is fundamentally different from Ling Feng before. Although Biluo fairy knows that Ling Feng's strength will certainly be able to recover, but now the recovery speed is too fast, and it can even be said that Ling Feng is against the growth!

The next second, Biluo fairy went up and hugged Ling Feng. After Ling Feng changed his clothes, they didn't stay in the room. They went out of the room directly. Instead of flying out, they went downstairs. When Ling Feng and Biluo fairy appeared in the hall!

Everyone was stunned. Master Ling came back. Master Ling, who had disappeared for nearly two years, and master Ling, who had been guessed dead by countless people, unexpectedly returned. In an instant, the whole hotel was silent, and everyone couldn't believe it.

if it wasn't for Ling Feng, who was standing next to him was Biluo fairy, I'm afraid everyone would think they were wrong When he was about to leave, the people in the hotel suddenly called out: "master Ling!"

The sound was so loud that the whole hotel hall was full of Shouts. After hearing this, Ling Feng turned around and looked at them with a smile and nodded his head. Then he left the hotel with Bi Luo fairy!

The special bus at the door has been waiting there for a long time. When he saw Ling Feng with Biluo fairy, the driver was confused. He just received the notice that Biluo fairy wanted to use the car, so he waited here. When he saw Ling Feng, he trembled and said, "master Ling, are you back?"

"Well, let's go back to the Manor!" Ling Feng a smile, patted the driver on the shoulder, said with a smile, said he was going to pull the door.

"No, master Ling, I'll come, I'll come!"

See Ling Feng to open the door, the driver reaction, he quickly said, then respectfully said: "little master, little lady, please come in!"

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