"No one is going to leave, are they? That being the case, I'll say it directly. First of all, we are now in a closed state because of the financial tsunami. I hope that you can prepare a large amount of funds in the shortest time. The more the better. I know that you all have doubts about why you should do so. Now I tell you that master Ling is angry because the hilsey family wants to extend their tentacles to our summer continent. He will attack the hilsey family in a short time. Moreover, master Ling has announced that he will destroy the hilsey family!

If there is no accident, the hilsey family will certainly struggle to death. They will try their best to launch a financial tsunami. Of course, they are definitely targeting at our mainland. But for us, this is not only a crisis, but also an opportunity. I believe you will seize this opportunity, right? " Seeing that there was no one to speak, Diaolong thought about it, and then continued to say!

If the financial tsunami surprised everyone, the carving of Dragons now makes them feel as if they were exploded by a bomb. Master Ling, the white sword emperor of the Ling family, even wants to fight against the hilsey family, and even says that he wants to destroy the hilsey family. What's the situation? However, since master Ling has said it, the hilsey family is willing to fight It will become as like as two peas in the Qin and the family in a year and a half.

What the hell is going on? Even if the hilsey family said to put their tentacles in the summer mainland, master Ling should not be so angry. Didn't he just come back to Ling's home? Does this matter have something to do with the Ling family? This silent, master Ling will move the legend of the ancient family hilsey family, although the hilsey family is not as big as before, but it is still very terrible, and the hilsey family is so mysterious, master Ling how to do it!

Thinking of this, everyone knows why Diaolong called them all night and put on such a battle. But even so, can they really compete with the silsi family? Is their strength OK? If it was in the past, they might be afraid and retreat. But the team leader of the beast team said that Ling Feng wants to start with the silsi family. In this case, all the owners know that it is very likely to succeed!

If there is no Ling Feng involved, then for them, it is absolutely a huge crisis. But with the help of Ling Feng, things will be different. The crisis in mainland China is likely to turn into an opportunity, an opportunity for all their families to go to a higher level!

And in the eyes of these clan leaders, since Ling Feng dares to say so, he will do it. For Ling Feng, they never doubt it, because everything has proved that before. Master Ling, the white sword emperor, is not just talking about it!

"Captain Diaolong, in this case, I want to ask, do you know when master Ling will start?"

When Diaolong finished, all of them fell into a deep meditation. After thinking about it, some of the leading family owners asked suspiciously. At this time, they were very excited, and even seemed to have seen their own family dividing up the huge wealth of the silsi family!

"I don't know when he will do it. He told me that we should be ready all the time, but I have guessed Ling Feng's idea. He will certainly wait for the hilsey family to launch the financial tsunami first, because only in this way can our interests be maximized. Otherwise, even if master Ling destroys the hilsey family, it will only be cheaper for other continents Although you have so much time to raise funds, I hope we can not do it quickly? In order to prevent the hilsey family from jumping over the wall to assassinate you, from now on, your safety is in the charge of the beast team. Do you have any questions? " Diaolong looked at them and said again!

"Don't worry, Captain Diaolong. We have no problem. We will prepare the funds now!" Everyone nodded and said, then they took out their cell phones and began to prepare to raise money!

At this time, Beck has been frowning in his study about the castle theory of the hilsey family in the European continent. He has already taken some experts, but he still frowns. After talking to Diaolong on the phone, he doesn't know why, but he is more worried about the situation of the hilsey family!

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