"Not high, Xiao Hei. Why does Ling emperor have to take Ming emperor with him this time? With Ming emperor's strength, he shouldn't come here at all. Should we persuade Ling emperor?" Looking at Ling Feng rushed down, Taotie quickly said!

He thinks that if only to see Ling Feng and the two of them, no matter where they go, there is no difficulty in doing anything, but Ling Feng must take the Emperor Ming this time, it's hard to say, but he can't figure out why Ling Feng must take ling'er, if not, they will go in long ago!

"Well, it's not something we can discuss. The boss must have his own ideas. We just need to listen to the boss's orders. Don't say any more. If you think you can't stand it, you can go now. I'll talk to the boss! Don't worry, even if it's Meiyu, we can protect Lingdi! " Hearing the angry voice of Taotie, chaos black burning beast frowned and said!

"Then I won't say it!"

Taotie fought with chaos black flame beast before and was abused. After that, he didn't dare to say anything. As his words fell, Taotie and chaos black flame beast continued to climb up the mountain! The higher they go up, the stronger the wind is, and the greater the resistance is. However, the resistance has no effect on the chaotic black burning beast and Taotie, who used to live in the divine world. Ling Feng's strength has already reached God, and her body contains divine aura, so the wind is useless to her!

But ling'er is different. Ling'er has no spirit. If there is no Ling Feng, he would have been blown back. Even if Ling Feng helps him, he is struggling to walk! When they climb to the top of the mountain, the gatekeeper on the other side is flustered. He finds that Ling Feng and others have rushed up, and he is in a daze. However, his mounts are still using energy to resist them, but it's useless!

If Lin Geng and his family really get to the entrance of Shenjie, will they open the door or not? The gatekeeper has been here for countless years, but he has never seen anyone climb up. In an instant, he is in a panic. He doesn't know what to do?

"Wake, what are you doing here?"

Just when the gatekeeper didn't know what to do, suddenly a beautiful female voice came! The gatekeeper looked back and saw a woman about his age coming. He also came with the lowest magic dog in the divine world!

"Wind chime, why are you here?" See the woman, the gatekeeper as if to see hope in general, shouting!

"I've told you many times that you want to call me Fengshen. Now I'm a real God. If you call me after, I'll deal with you directly!" The woman looks at the gatekeeper light say!

"OK, Fengling, please help me. I don't know what to do now. Only you can help me!" Hearing the woman's words, the goalkeeper said excitedly again!

"I told you to call me Fengshen. What's the matter? What happened to you? Say it and I'll help you deal with it! " The woman heard the gatekeeper's words and frowned. Then she calmed down and said again!

"Good, good, I'll tell you..." hearing the woman's words, the gatekeeper quickly cried happily. He said all the things. When he heard Ling Feng's things, Fengling was also very surprised!

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