Then, Ling Feng opened three bottles of octave. Before he handed it to Fengling, Fengling rushed up and began to gobble it up with a bunch of barbecue. Originally, he wanted Ling Feng to eat more to increase his strength, but he couldn't control himself enough. The fragrance was too attractive, so he started first!

When the green dragon meat came into Fengling's mouth, his eyes were shining with gold. Then he wolfed it down and said, "how can this food be so delicious? Brother Lingfeng made it delicious!"

After eating a bunch of Fengling, he picked up a few, and his whole mouth was full, but he still kept eating. At this time, Fengling even doubted his life. How did the 100000 years come? Compared with Ling Feng's kebab, the meat they used to eat was in time! Even the grand banquet prepared by the central God tower every 50000 years is not as delicious as Ling Feng!

"Don't choke. There are many more. Don't worry. Eat slowly and drink octaves. It's a perfect match." Looking at the wind chime that gobble, Ling Feng said with a smile, and then took a bottle of octave handed to the wind chime!

No matter what it was, he poured it directly into his mouth. When the beer entered the taste buds of Fengling, he was all excited and cried out: "it's too good to drink!"

The smell of beer and barbecue constantly hit the taste buds of Fengling. He never enjoyed such delicious food. Then, he put the box of beer under his feet and began to eat and drink at the same time!

Seeing the appearance of the wind chime, Ling Feng only dotes on it. He doesn't say anything. Instead, he takes two bottles of octaves in his hand, takes a few meat kebabs, goes directly to the side of the Black Whirlwind, and then puts them in his mouth.

"Wake, come and have some?" Ling Feng looks at the wake who just came down from the Black Whirlwind, and then says with a smile, the belly of the wake is constantly purring, but he looks at Ling Feng, gritting his teeth and doesn't speak!

"If you don't eat, I'll go!" Looking at the wake that way, Ling Feng some want to laugh, and then said, finished on their own to eat, but at this time, wake but came to say: "I eat, I want to eat!"

Ling Feng smiles and hands the kebab to the wake. Then the wake takes it and starts to eat it. On the other side, the wind chime keeps eating and says loudly: "brother Ling Feng, if you are good, I will eat it up. You can eat more. It's not good if you don't have it later!"

"It's OK. If we don't have it, we'll grab more. It's better to have rosefinch, Mirs and so on. I'll tell you, that kind of wing is absolutely delicious in the test!" Ling Feng said with a smile, and then he also picked up two kebabs, and then ate them!

With the green dragon meat into Ling Feng's body, Ling Feng felt that there was a hot aura in his body. He was very comfortable, but Ling Feng didn't think much about it. Instead, he picked up a bottle of beer and drank as he rolled it!

Looking at Ling Feng they eat, the two dogs on one side only swallow their saliva. At this time, he seems to have forgotten that his pursuers are coming soon. His eyes are all barbecue beer, but he dare not speak, for fear that the wind chime will be angry!

"Come and eat quickly. What are you doing?" Looking at two dog son's saliva all want to flow out, Ling Feng turns a head to say to him with a smile! Hearing Ling Feng's words, er Gouzi came over.

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