Although the whole world of maple son is not so bad, how can he leave two people? He was killed long ago!

"Nameless array, bad, Lingfeng, boss, go, go! The old and undead of the unknown clan have come here. They have started the array. We need to leave here before they react! "

Feeling the start of the nameless array, er Gouzi roared loudly. After all, he was a man from the nameless sect. Naturally, he knew the power of the nameless sect's Zhenshan formation. Therefore, in his mind, in this case, it must not be suitable to attack again. After all, the nameless sect has countless, half step God kings, real gods, and a God King. Now they are going to go out of their way, this kind of attack Lineup, not just Ling Feng out of the dozens of gods can be compared, so two dogs some panic!

"I said Er Gouzi, how about your intelligence quotient? We said before that we would exterminate the unknown clan. But didn't you think that those old people would come out?" Looking at the flustered Er Gouzi, Ling Feng shook his head and then said!

"Ah, no, I originally wanted the boss to use his artifact to break the array. As long as they can't start the array, then we can kill the small ones. As for the old ones, we can take a little time to break each one, which is better. But I just forgot, Lao Da, brother Ling Feng, you go quickly, otherwise, you can't go at all It's too late! " The second dog son says again!

"Why do you want to leave? And your array has been opened. None of us can leave now!" Looking at Er Gouzi's face of panic, a smile appeared on Ling Feng's face, and then he said!

"What do you mean? No, how did this array start? What should we do now? " Hearing Ling Feng's words, er Gouzi said in surprise that his spirit was sealed by the previous God. He could only feel it with all his strength. When he felt that the surrounding space was imprisoned, the whole person was a little flustered!

"Why, are you afraid now?" Looking at Er Gouzi's frightened appearance, Feng Ling said contemptuously!

"Boss, I'm not afraid. I will die if I die, but you are not the same. Now that the array is opened, we have no chance to escape. I believe that you and Ling Feng have the strength to deal with them one-on-one. But now they attack together, how can you fight? I'm afraid that we have not killed the unknown clan, but we have to fight in! " At this time, er Gouzi was very frightened and said quickly!

"Well, you say a few words less. You think those mole ants can kill us. Go on. I don't care when the wind chime kills you. I've saved you several times. Don't you count yourself?" Ling Feng looked at two dogs, speechless said!

"Brother Lingfeng, do you think we should kill him or not? He's too clever!" Hearing Ling Feng's words, Feng Ling, who was eating potato chips, said quickly that he hated Er Gouzi!

"Forget it!"

Ling Feng shook his head and said, at this time, suddenly from the depths of the nameless mountain rushed out a wave of terrible breath, these breath is very terrible, the worst are nine God, followed by the real God, and even half step God King and God King!

Dozens of breath toward Lingfeng they rushed over, and feel these terrible breath, two dog son has been completely scared silly!

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