"What's the matter with you?" Ling Feng looked at him, speechless said!

"Suzerain, I will be useful if this matter is taken with me!" Two dog son looking at Ling Feng said with a smile, Ling Feng also some surprise, two dog son really know their own ideas!

But Ling Feng won't take him. This time, he is acting secretly. He has to be fast and can't have any accidents. Er Gouzi's strength is too low. Taking him is a burden at all.

"Well, there's no place for you to use this matter. Get out of here!" Ling Feng said again!

Hear Ling Feng's words, in looking at Ling Feng's face is not right, two dog son also didn't say anything more, can quickly open!

"Master, is that true? Are you going to take us to work? " Two dog son walked after, big elder looking at Ling Feng, one face doubts of ask a way!

"Yes, this time I'm going to take you to do something, and it's still a big deal!" Ling Feng nodded and said!

Just hear Ling Feng's words, all elders are very confused, what they want to do, now things have been settled, what else do they want to do?

Ling Feng looked at the doubts in their eyes, so he said: "do you forget what I said to the people of sushenzong before? I said that their emissary would continue to be killed. Our chunyuanzong is just the first stop. Since this matter has been said, we have to do it. Otherwise, it will be discovered that something is wrong soon!"

"To our Lord? Really? " Three elder looking at Ling Feng, some surprised say!

"Don't worry, most of the messengers they sent out are half footed gods. With our strength and sneak attack, we can deal with them more than enough. Besides, those Shuiyun sect, Yinyang sect and Tianming Pavilion will not send people over. So this matter naturally requires us to go up. This time we need to solve the battle quickly!" Ling Feng said again!

"Suzerain, your plan is that this meeting will make sushenzong unable to get the title of God King?" The elder said again in doubt, even a little excited!

"What do you think? We can't stop it at all. Otherwise, someone would have done it for a long time. You think all the hostile forces of Sushen sect are vegetarians. They know that this time the central God tower opened the back door for Sushen sect. No one can stop it. But what are we going to do? It's confusing the whole water. Sushenzong will also have conflicts with those sects, preferably big ones. Do you understand? " Ling Feng explained again!

Hearing Ling Feng's words, all the elders have been deceived. They don't know what Ling Feng's purpose is and why he has to work hard to do it. Moreover, it's not good for chunyuanzong, and it also puts chunyuanzong in danger!

"I know what you are puzzled about, but before, when we destroyed their sushenzong people, it was doomed that this thing must be done. We need to take their attention away from us, so there must be other forces to carry the pot, at least let them think that other forces did it, so we have to do it. What do you think? Now hurry up He said, "when we're going to start, we can't drop the chain for me!" Ling Feng said again!

Hearing Ling Feng's words, the elder and others seemed to understand something, so they quickly said: "Lord, we don't have any problems. We will do whatever you ask us to do!"

They went through a lot of things with Ling Feng, which also made them have a sense of trust in Ling Feng, even unconditional new people. Although they don't know why Ling Feng must be the enemy of sushenzong, Ling Feng brought them all the way, without a wrong command, which made them name Abby. As long as they follow Ling Feng, there will be no wrong time! Anyway, they all destroyed the messengers of Sushen sect. What are they afraid of!

"Well, do you know the three forces they mentioned? If you can find their God King, it's better to be single! " Ling Feng looked at them and said with a smile again!

Hearing Ling Feng's words, the elders were a little confused. They couldn't keep up with Ling Feng's rhythm. Didn't they just say that they were from miesu Shenzong? Now how do you ask the forces of Tianming pavilion?

But the elder just didn't dare to ask any more questions. After thinking about it, the elder said: "Lord, these forces are first-class forces, just like the fast God sect. But I don't know if they have a God King who acts alone. I just know that people of first-class forces often go to a place, that is, the ethereal land, where are the territory of many gods and beasts, many one The God kings of the first level forces want to go there to find a cub of the strongest god beast, and the entrances of the ethereal land are guarded there by the people of the first level forces! They will not let other forces in! "

"There is such a place. It's interesting. We'll go to the ethereal place and go!" Ling Feng heard, his face showed a satisfied smile, he wanted this, do not let other forces into, so it is easier to muddle the water, so he nodded and said!

To now, all the elders still don't understand what Ling Feng is going to do, but they nodded obediently and said: "yes!"

"Well, elder, you lead the way ahead, let's go quickly!"Ling Feng didn't say anything more, but direct counseling, hear Ling Feng's words, the elder rushed out first, Ling Feng and other elders followed. All the sects in the whole divine world did not expect that the first-class power war that shocked the divine world was ignited by chunyuanzong, whom they despised most!

Ling Feng, the mastermind of this war, is also the one who opened the prelude to the turmoil in the divine world. However, the ethereal place has become the starting point for the outbreak of conflicts among the first-class forces!

The ethereal place is the best place for all the first level forces to search for the beast, and it has become their entrance. Other sects, even other forces, and sanxiu absolutely dare not go in!

Even if you are the title God King, you will be destroyed by all the God kings of the first level forces, or even the sect behind you.

There was once a God King who was also the leader of a second level force. He didn't believe this at all, so he broke in intentionally. But as a result, not only he was killed, but also the clan behind him was destroyed by all the first level forces. Moreover, the central God tower didn't care!

From now on, there will be no one who dares to enter the restricted area!

At this time, the ethereal place is the same as before, so the disciples of the latter level are all in it. They want to catch all kinds of animals, and their people are there at every entrance!

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