Ling Feng went to a place, and Qi hang followed. Qi hang didn't know why Ling Feng chose to be here, but he still accompanied Ling Feng here.

Ling Feng takes a closer look and smiles. This is just the eye of the high-level spirit gathering array. Next, Ling Feng takes out eight pieces of jade. Then he said:

"look carefully!"

Ling Feng said, put the jade on the ground, and then he sat down cross legged, began to prepare for the battle.

The array of fairyland is different from that of wudaojie. Their array is very complex. They mainly rely on the array eyes and the array pillars, but the arrangement is very simple.

Ling Feng can be said to be the top ten array master in fairyland. Depending on his current strength, after the completion of the spirit gathering array, a steady stream of aura will come to the array. With the aura of the spirit gathering herb, Ling Feng and Yuan Jiacheng can quickly upgrade their cultivation.

Qi hang carefully stares at Ling Feng's hand, looking at Ling Feng's gesture constantly changing, the aura around suddenly begins to gather. And the outside world doesn't know when it's foggy.

And the jade in front of Ling Feng is gone. Qi hang looks at Ling Feng's fast gesture. Combined with the current scene, he knows that Ling Feng has two formations, the maze outside and the spirit gathering inside.

Although Qi hang has been observing, there are still many things he doesn't know. The array of fairyland is too mysterious for him to understand.

Ling Feng let him see, just want him to understand the array layout. It wasn't long before the array was set up.

The whole gathering spirit array is full of aura, and Ling Feng begins to cultivate in it. Qi hang saw Ling Feng's cultivation, and he was not easy to disturb, so he also sat on one side.

Soon the night passed!

Ling Feng takes Qi hang out of the maze early in the morning, and Ling Feng gives Qi hang a piece of jade. Only with the jade can Qi hang enter the array.

After one night's cultivation, Ling Feng obviously feels much stronger than outside. One day's cultivation in the array is equivalent to more than half a month's cultivation outside.

When Ling Feng came to the school, Yuan Jiacheng had been waiting for him in the classroom. He looked at Ling Feng and asked in a low voice, "madman, where did you go last night?"

"Take you to a good place in the evening!"

Ling Feng pretends to say mysteriously.

One morning's class soon ended. At noon, Lin Yue came to find Ling Feng and was ready to have dinner. But unexpectedly, several people came to the door and claimed to find Ling Feng.

"Who are you?" Ling Feng looking at in front of these people, light asked. It seems that these people are looking for trouble today, and Ling Feng is too lazy to talk nonsense with them.

"Ling Feng, what virtue do you have? You know it yourself. Let's get rid of the engagement, or don't blame me for being rude!" The strong male of the head looks at Ling Feng to say.

"Go back and tell Yan yuluo not to make trouble for himself. If you want to break the engagement, you must follow my method!" Ling Feng said impatiently.

When the man at the head heard this sentence, he was stunned. He didn't expect that Ling Feng would dare to talk to him like this. Suddenly, he was angry. He looked at Ling Feng and said directly to his partner, "give him a beating and let me get rid of my Qi!"

Other people hear here, directly toward Ling Feng rushed over, want to punch down Ling Feng directly, and then punch and kick.

But Ling Feng didn't give him a chance at all. He just flashed over. With the help of those gangsters' strength, one foot at a time, the gangsters flew out directly in front and fell to the ground.

The first man saw this, hit heavily, and Ling Feng didn't pay any attention to him, let his fist come over, don't retreat but advance, a fist to meet. The man only felt a pain in his fist, and then the whole man flew out upside down.

"Aren't you a cow? Fight Ling Feng stepped forward and kicked the man up, then kicked the man in the air.

Hiding in the dark yanyuluo originally wanted to let this group of people to Lingfeng a lesson, let him quickly and his dissolution of engagement, but she did not expect Lingfeng incredibly so strong, directly a few down to this group of people..

Seeing Ling Feng's means to the leader, she couldn't help coming out and said to Ling Feng:

"Ling Feng, you asshole!"

"Are you willing to come out? I'm an asshole. You call someone to beat me, and you call me an asshole. I think you don't want to have a good life yourself! " Ling Feng looks at Yan Yu to fall to say.

"I've seen a lot of women like you. Originally, you are not worthy of me. I don't care about you. Now you are still looking for someone. OK, a week later, I will solemnly announce that you yanyuluo have been retired by me! "

"You dare!"

Yan yuluo looks at Ling Feng and roars. This result she didn't expect and he doesn't want. If someone knows that she has been abandoned by Ling Feng, then she won't have to get married. It's estimated that she will become a joke!

"You can try and see if I dare!"

Ling Feng looked at Yan yuluo and said, "next time let me meet the people you are looking for, I don't have any patience. I will be ten times more cruel to them than I am now." Ling Feng said, a foot stepped on the hand of the first strong man, until stepped on the deformation, just let go of the foot.

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