"Even you dare to be called Jianxiu?" Ling Feng looked at the Three Dharma protectors and said faintly, but the words were full of contempt. Ling Feng didn't pay attention to the sword repair on earth!

"Hahaha, I used to talk to others like this. I didn't expect that a young man who was not afraid of tigers was talking to me like this today. Boy, I don't think you want to live anymore?"

The Three Dharma guardians frowned at Ling Feng, and then angrily said, when did their Xianjian sect encounter such a thing? You know, although there are five hermit sects in Southeast and Northwest China, among them, Xianjian sect is the most powerful!

But what sanhufa didn't expect was that he would be despised by a hairy boy today!

"Yes, let's see if you have the ability to make me die!" Lingfeng a face of disdain, and then light said, his words just fell, behind appeared countless white rainbow sword, toward the Three Dharma guards rushed in the past!

"Ha ha, well done. I'll see which one of us is better." The Three Dharma guards looked at the white rainbow swords flying over, and said with a smile that there was no fear on his face. Then he also shot out countless sword Qi and constantly resisted the white rainbow sword.

"That's interesting!"

Looking at the white Hongjian constantly being resisted in the ground, Ling Feng said with a smile. And the people around have been silly at this time, none of them thought that these two people are even, draw a draw!

People on the scene are speculating about who will win, especially the four or five city families behind the Ling family. They are very nervous. Ling Feng has already solved Chen Yu, a martial arts master, with one sword before, but now facing the old man of Xianjian sect, they have been fighting for several rounds!

"Diaolong, who do you think Ling Feng and the Three Dharma protectors will win?" Firebird looked at the duel and asked.

"Firebird, don't be deceived by Ling Feng's appearance. He didn't do his best at all. He was testing the old man Jianxiu in front of him. I think he should have met Jianxiu for the first time and wanted to test his strength." Diaolong looked at a Firebird and said!

If Diaolong fights the old man, he is 100% sure that he can defeat him. What's more, Ling Feng has defeated Diaolong before!

And until now, Diaolong doesn't think he can beat Ling Feng. He's too abnormal!

"Ha ha, boy, you are a genius. I didn't expect that you could defend the sword when you were under 20 years old. Unfortunately, you have to die here today to kill a genius. I like it, ha ha ha!" After the Three Dharma guards beat back all the white rainbow swords, they looked at Ling Feng and said with a laugh!

The most difficult thing to repair the sword is the imperial sword, but Ling Feng can not only control the sword, but also control hundreds of swords at the same time, which makes the Three Dharma protectors very surprised. Even he can only control one sword. If it wasn't for Ling Feng's only trial, the three Dharma protectors would have become hedgehogs at this time!

"If you offend the emperor, you will end up dead. Ignorant mole ant Ling Feng frowned, and then said that the Three Dharma protectors had offended Ling Feng's dignity!

Ling Feng just finished, there are many swords in the air again, but this time the sword is already full of murderous spirit of Qingling sword. You know, Qingling sword is different from Baihong sword. Qingling sword is a top-quality spirit weapon, and even the whole China can't find several top-quality spirit weapons!

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