"I tell you, don't think I dare not, I'll take you to die with me!" Dan Lei looks at Ling Feng, full face very color says!

"Oh, in that case, you can detonate it. Don't say I didn't give you a chance. If you don't detonate it again, I'll kill you!" Ling Feng looks at Dan Lei and says with a smile that he won't be afraid of Dan Lei at all!

Danlei looks at Lingfeng and slowly raises Qingling sword. He knows that he will die today, but even if he dies, he will stay with Lingfeng!

"In that case, you can go to hell with me." Danray pulled out the fuse and dropped the grenade on the ground!


A startling thought, a huge explosion sound up, the dust all over the sky to follow the blast wave generated by the explosion flew out.

The whole villa has been shaken by the explosion, and the challenge arena is in a mess!

"I didn't expect general Danlei to die like this!"

"Master Ling is too cruel. At the last moment, he would rather die with Danlei than let him go. OK, both of them are dead!"

"It's a pity that nine grenades are as powerful as a small bomb. Now, I'm afraid they won't even have bones left!"

"In that case, the profits of the Xia family and the territory of general Danlei will not be divided up by us?"

Everyone listened to the sound of the explosion, looked at the smoke and dust in the center of the explosion, whispered that this kind of explosion location, even if master Ling's ability is strong, there is no way to resist, and now they are thinking about how to get more benefits!

Xia Weixi heard what they said, his heart can not help laughing, Ling Feng's strength he has seen, even the regular army mortar shells have no effect on him, let alone just a few grenades!

To know that Ling Feng in the eyes of the Xia family is not only powerful, but also immortal, he is not afraid of any hot weapons. Even Jiang yu'er stood there without any change in her expression!

And other family members are all regretting for Ling Feng. Such a powerful genius can defeat thousands with one. Unfortunately, he still falls in front of the hot weapon!

It happened so suddenly and so quickly. Everyone thought that the Xia family would eat general Danlei, but who could have expected that they would die together!

"No, look in the smoke!"

Just as everyone was regretting and preparing to fight for interests, someone suddenly saw a man coming out of the smoke, so he called out! And hear his voice, all people follow his eyes to see the past, is Ling Feng!

"He didn't die. How could that be? Isn't he human? "

"It's too terrible. I've never heard of a warrior not afraid of bombs."

"He is not a man at all, he must be a god!"

"Even his clothes have not been hurt. It can't be wrong. Master Ling must be an immortal!" Everyone is very surprised to see Ling Feng. You should know what Ling Feng shows today is beyond human power!

Their eyes in addition to shock and fear, master Ling, invincible!

And as the dust slowly dispersed, they saw that the center of the explosion had become a big pit, and Ling Feng just came out from there!

Everyone took a breath. Fortunately, they didn't fight against Xia family. Otherwise, the death of general Danlei would be their end. Ling Feng's power has completely conquered them!

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