Ling Feng's fist directly hit the king of divine boxing in the face, and the king of divine boxing was also hit to the ground because of this force, and he couldn't move!

But Ling Feng did not stop, a flash rushed up, once again continuous dozen fists. Every time he goes down with one punch, the king of Shenquan will sink into the ground for more than one meter!

By the time Ling Feng finished, the champion had been trapped in a pit more than ten meters deep and could not move. Although he was not dead, he was seriously injured.

And when the Western alliance people see that the God of war in their heart has been beaten like this by Ling Feng, they have already fallen into the soil. It can be seen how bleak the fate of Shenquan king is!

Ling Feng stands there, the champion of God boxing is very strong, but it's a lot different from Ling Feng. You should know that Ling Feng is the king of sword, and the most powerful is the sword technique and sword array, while Ling Feng is fighting against the champion of God of war with his fist technique, and his best sword technique is useless at all!

But looking at the situation on the mountain, many people in the Western League cried in disbelief.

"I don't believe it's true. How could it be? How could the king of Shenquan be beaten like this?"

"The king of Shenquan will not lose. He is the God of war. He is invincible!"

"It's impossible. I don't believe he lost!"

Many people can't believe that the champion has lost. After all, he is not as good as the Chinese warrior. At this time, his whole body is driven into the earth, and he has no strength to fight back!

While the Western alliance people looked at the scene in front of them and cried out, and they were still praying in their hearts: "God boxing king, stand up quickly, you can, you are the strongest, you will win Master Ling!"

At this time, the Western alliance people feel that they have a belief in their hearts. They believe that Shenquan king will be able to stand up and win the so-called master Ling!

In addition to aura, there is also a power called the power of belief. Sometimes the power of belief is more powerful than Aura!

And Ling Feng can also feel that this force of faith into the body of the king of divine boxing, let the already half dead king of divine boxing, a little bit of life!

About a minute, Ling Feng suddenly a flash back out, and at this time, "bang!" The sound of, Ling Feng just standing place was smashed out of a big pit!

Standing there, the God boxing king was dying! I didn't expect that he was reborn under the power of faith given by Western alliance people!

"You see, the king of Shenquan has stood up. He did not disappoint us. He is the God of war!"

To see the king of Shenquan stand up, the Western alliance people watching the battle are dancing and cheering! You should know that the king of Shenquan at this time is fundamentally different from before. He who has accepted the power of faith is more powerful than before. The whole person stands in the air and stares at Ling Feng. It's really like the God of war coming down to earth!

"Not bad, not bad!" Ling Feng looked at the king of Shenquan and praised him a little. You should know that the king of Shenquan is reborn by the power of faith, and you can see his position in the eyes of the Western League!

"Hahaha, master Ling, it's a pity that you want to kill me. It's impossible. You know, I'm the God of war in the hearts of all western leagues. I can't be knocked down. In this world, I'm God!" God boxing king said with pride!

You should know that the power of belief is different from aura, he is endless, as long as there are believers, there will be the power of belief, and the champion can transform them into his aura, which is also his card!

"I can't beat you when you say that!" Ling Feng said with a sneer!

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