"Huaxia people, hand over what you got from the ruins, and we will let you live, otherwise..." A T2000 terminator looking at Ling Feng and others said.

In front of them, these people have obviously reached an alliance, and they are waiting for Ling Feng here. Several times ago, they have suffered a great loss in their search for the ruins, which makes them understand that the sword array outside the ruins must be arranged by the Chinese people. They don't know how to crack it at all. The best way is to let the wind out and let the Chinese people break the array themselves. Then they are praying for cicadas and sparrows After.

It's a pity that they miscalculated this time, because what they are dealing with is Ling Feng, and ling'er, who is in the golden elixir period of cultivation, is separated.

"It's a bit interesting. They all say that the people of M are shameless. It seems that what they say is really good. You people who are not human and animals who are not animals dare to appear in front of me!" Ling Feng looked at the front of the gang of orcs, half robot, said sarcastically!

"I think you're looking for death!" Hearing Ling Feng's words, all the orcs and terminators on the scene changed their faces. They roared and rushed directly to Ling Feng!

"Master, these minions don't need you to sell them, just give them to me!" Ling son finish saying, a brisk step rushed up, in the hand many a silver white long sword, toward the same rush up the orc and the terminator attacked in the past!

You have to know that both the terminator and the orc have been reformed. How can they be experienced in many battles, have rich combat experience, and reach the goal of Jindan period.

In just one minute, ling'er had already solved the battle. All the orcs and terminators on the scene were killed by one move. Second kill!


time passed quickly, and a month later, just before the national day, Ling Feng and other talents returned from the triangle and were ready to return to Haicheng University for classes.

It's the opening season of the year, and the whole Haicheng university is full of students. As a key university, Haicheng university has a high reputation in the whole country! And many freshmen also continue to report!

At this time, a couple of lovers came to Haicheng University. The man looked tall and powerful, a little lonely and arrogant. If there were sophomores or above here, they would know the person who disturbed Haicheng University and was liked by all forces, but didn't care at all, Ling Feng!

And the woman beside him, the appearance is absolutely the best, can be said to be lost, even her momentum makes people feel linger, at this time the woman is nestling beside Ling Feng!

You know, Ling Feng had been practicing in the virgin forest of Dianguo for a whole month, and just after the closure, several of them came back. Jiang yu'er naturally went back to the distillery to practice, and Diaolong also went back to the headquarters to report the situation, while Ling Feng and ling'er came to Haicheng University!

"Ling'er, is it beautiful here?" Ling Feng said in a low voice!

"Well, it's much better than the cave before! Good, good! " Ling'er nodded and said that several of them are in a good mood these days. You should know that the month of cultivation in the kingdom of Dian has greatly increased their overall strength. For more than a month, ling'er has been helping Ling Feng and others to assist in cultivation!

And ling'er also tells Ling Feng and others a thing, his separation can stay on the earth for a year at most, it will disappear, that is to say, Ling Feng only has one year to practice, ready to go to the fairyland!

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