"Don't think you are from Yanhuang dragon protection brigade, you can do whatever you want. Don't say you, even you Xuanyuan captain standing here, don't dare to disagree with what I said. If you are mischievous, don't blame me for being rude

The sky said with a overcast face. Then he went straight up to the stage. But now the time is very awkward, he does not know how to say.

But Ling Feng stood up directly. Looking at the people under the stage said.

"My father and I stand here today, representing the Wang family. If anyone has any objection, I don't mind letting what happened 16 years ago happen again after the conference. "



Ling Feng's words are like bombs, exploding below. Seeing the most embarrassing moment in the history of the martial arts conference, the sky quickly went up.

He said directly, "draw lots!"

The whole conference was divided into group A and group B. unfortunately, the ghost Valley Group and Yanhuang dragon protection brigade were all divided into group A, while the Wang Yuan family allied forces led by Ling Feng were in group B.

Because of Ling Feng's performance, many people who have drawn to group B think whether to abstain directly, because Ling Feng is too strong. Just when they were hesitating.

But Tianqiong said one thing:

"just after communicating with the Wangs and yuans, Ling Feng didn't participate in the competition before the collision between group A and group B. that is to say, Yuan Jiacheng of the yuans and Wang Yating of the Wangs played in the preliminary competition. If they lose, they lose the whole game! "

This is what Ling Feng deliberately demands. Yuan Jiacheng and Wang Yating need to prove themselves with their strength.

Soon the first game of the game began.

Wang Yating came up, and on the other side was a child of a small family named Liu An.

Maybe it was just the words of the sky that aroused the fighting spirit of the families in group B, so Liu An didn't say a word on the stage and directly attacked Wang Yating with a long gun in his hand.

Wang Yating didn't even take out her weapon. Seeing Liu An Chao attacking herself, she walked towards Liu An like walking. But when Liu An and Wang Yating collided, Wang Yating disappeared.

Liu an opened his eyes and looked around carefully, only to find that Wang Yating didn't know when she had bypassed her back. Liu An, attack again.

Wang Yating, like a beautiful butterfly, has been dodging Liu An's attack. What she shows is what Ling Feng teaches her to "butterfly light step!"

This can be regarded as a skill. Wang Yating used this skill to protect her life many times in the ancient battlefield, but Liu An certainly can't compare with the ancient Warcraft. How could he be Wang Yating's opponent as a warrior in the later period of dark strength.

Maybe Wang Yating is tired of playing, so she directly faces Liu An, and Liu An flies out and falls directly outside the competition field.

The second

and the third

were all like this. Wang Yating came up with a bunch of gourds, which made a big hit.

Wang Wenqing is sitting there happily. Wang Yating's show just now has helped the Wang family to improve their reputation. Many families have just come to celebrate.

Ling Feng doesn't pay attention to them at all. He always stares at Guigu school and Mohist school.

The ghost Valley faction also keeps its strength just like Ling Feng. A person actually lets another family wear gourd with his array. Mohism is good at mechanism.

When Mohism came to power on the ground, there were two people. They had to deal with the attack of the master and the mechanism beast at the same time, so there was no suspense at all.

The faces of the families on the stage are not good-looking. This year's contestants are too strong. In the eyes of these people, the families are nothing.

This is another face beating in wudaojie!

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