And old Chen once again rushed to the sky, the whole person exuded a strong momentum, and his body instantly stood on the green rainbow sword!

Sword Qi covers the whole area, about several hundred meters!

This is his unique skill, changing body into sword. This skill is originally the skill of fairyland, and Chen has been practicing it step by step by virtue of this skill!

"What is this?"

"This aura is so powerful. Chen Lao's sword formula is to transform his body into a sword."

"This momentum is really strong. I don't know what master Ling should do!"

Looking at a corner of the sky, a master was very excited and said, "I've finally seen Chen's sword. For many years, I've been waiting for this day for more than 50 years. 1"

many years ago, Chen used this move to defeat countless foreign powers. He was also a guardian of China. However, those who had seen this move in those years were gone The former master of martial arts is over eighty years old, which can be regarded as the age of the rare!

"Master Ling, this is my most powerful move. I don't know if you can take it!" Mr. Chen coldly said that this move is indeed the most powerful of Mr. Chen, and it is precisely because of this killing skill that Mr. Chen entered the imperial list and became a strong one! In the name of sword, it will shock the whole China!

"Yes, I'm surprised, but you're not qualified at all!" Ling Feng said coldly!

"In that case, I'll see how you take my move!" Mr. Chen coldly said that he rushed to Ling Feng with a kill word, and the sword was very powerful and fast. The whole space was like being cut off by the sword!

Ling Feng at the foot of the Castle Peak, have been cut off, Chen believes that this sword can kill master Ling!

Seeing the rushing sword Qi, Ling Feng's divine sense moves. Hundreds of swords form a sword wall!

"Bang!" The sword Qi bumps into the sword wall and thinks of the explosion, but Ling Feng's sword wall is directly broken?!


At the moment when the sword wall is broken, the sword Qi rushes towards Ling Feng to pull the wire, and Ling Feng is wrapped in the sword Qi. On the outside, he constantly remembers that the explosion sounds, and the air waves come out layer by layer. Seeing this scene, many people are guessing, has master Ling lost?

Master Chen Jianling is more powerful than ever!

When all the eyes converge in the air, a figure floats in the air. Just now, Mr. Chen's most powerful sword forced Ling Feng to use his sword emperor's body!

Although there is the body guard of the sword emperor, Ling Feng is also injured. His divine body is just formed, and can't resist the sword of old Chen!

And old Chen looked at Ling Feng undamaged, he did not think of his strongest moves, the other side actually nothing, how is this possible?

"Is that all you have? Today I want to show you what is real Kendo

In Ling Feng's eyes, Mr. Chen's most powerful move is just a joke. It's just a child's thing. The real sword body is unbeaten after countless battles. It's born for the sword itself!

"The realm of the sword!"

Ling Feng said lightly that the field of sword is the field created by Ling Feng, the emperor of sword, the world of sword. Ling Feng's body is constantly changing, and the whole space is submerged in the field of sword!

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