Looking at the ice cone rushing over, Ling Feng suddenly appears the same ice cone in his hand, and rushes to the great sage like a sharp sword!

How can Fan Bing, the ancestor of ice, compare with Ling Feng's ice road! If you touch it, you will die!

"Bang bang!"

Ice's ancestor's ice cone was directly smashed by Ling Feng's chaotic ice. Seeing this scene, ice's ancestor was stunned, and he was shocked and said: "how is this possible? How could he break my ice world

Ling Feng's chaotic ice cone has a strong aura of water, which shocked the ancestor of ice. The aura of water is much stronger than his own!

See in front of this scene, Firebird whole person also Leng there!

"I should have said before that I am bothered by Huaxia, but I will be punished even if I am far away!" Ling Feng looked at the two pale ancestors, coldly said!

After that, countless green spirit swords appeared in the whole sky, aiming at the two ancestors! The ancestor of Bing didn't think that there was such a powerful person in Huaxia, that is, Jianxiu, also a demon guide! It's still a multi department wizard. Before, the flame of the ancestor of fire was defeated by Ling Feng's flame. Now his ice cone is also defeated by Ling Feng's ice cone!

At this time, an idea came into being in the heart of the ancestor of ice, "escape!" The people they face are too strong. If they stay, they will be dead!


As Ling Feng's voice falls, the green spirit swords rush to the two ancestors like bullets. At this time, the ancestor of fire has no strength at all. He calls a wall of fire to stop him. And the ancestor of ice is hiding in the space!

Ling Feng's Qingling sword group is endless. There are two attackers. After only one minute, the fire wall of the ancestor of fire no longer exists. Seeing this scene, the ancestor of fire can only run away quickly!

In his seventy years of cultivation, he never thought that one day he would run away. Although it is a shame, but as long as alive, these are nothing!

Looking at the green lotus sword group is about to catch up with the ancestor of fire, the ancestor of ice quickly summoned a space to wave, temporarily blocked in front of the ancestor of fire!

But what he doesn't know is that when Ling Feng and horok fight, Ling Feng already knows the weakness of the waving, and the green spirit swords continue to enter the black hole!

See this scene, the ancestor of ice to understand the idea of Ling Feng, this opponent is too strong, it is not they can face!

Ling Feng has long seen through that they want to escape, but for Ling Feng, it's impossible. Long before they came out, Ling Feng had made a mark on them with God's knowledge. They want to escape, it's impossible!

With a wave of his hand, Ling Feng turns the aura in his body into a chain and rushes towards the ancestor of ice and fire.

In an instant, the ancestor of fire was helped by the aura chain and couldn't move at all, while the ancestor of fire was pulled back by the chain and finally locked at the gate of the temple!

"What's going on?" Firebird thought in his heart! This aura lock is an eye opener for Firebird. It has tied back the ancestor of fire who has run away!

Ice ancestor saw this scene, his heart was very uneasy, so he waved his staff, ready to use the power of space to escape!


The ancestor of ice spurts out a blood essence of his own life from his mouth, and he is reciting a powerful Dharma array, but his whole face is dark, like a dead man!

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