Many executives want to teach Ling Feng a lesson when they see this scene. This boy is too arrogant, but Sun Rui doesn't say anything when he sees this scene. He is waiting for Ling Feng to make a fool of himself!

"Well, it's useless to say more. You can let us see how you refine it." Sun Rui said, and all people's eyes are looking at Ling Feng, they want to see how Ling Feng make a fool of himself!

Ling Feng gave a faint smile, then stretched out his hands and ran the chaotic aura in his body. A strong green light came out from Ling Feng's body, just like a bright star. In Ling Feng's hand, there was a very strong chaotic aura, emitting a strong breath of life!

Everyone was shocked to feel this breath of life, especially sun Rui. He extracted chaotic wood aura every day. He was too familiar with the Qixi Festival, and Ling Feng's body was even more rich than what he extracted! All the people in the lab were shocked!

It's amazing how he did it, and I've never heard of it! But the next scene surprised them even more!

A lot of maple trees grow in the air!

The whole lab is surrounded by these plants at this moment! Even the dead flowers in the instrument have come back to life!

Everyone was stunned. This scene was just a dream for them, which made all the people present can't believe it!

Is he still human?

At this time, sun Rui was shaking all over his body. His heart was shocked. Everyone couldn't believe what he saw! They are now as in the prairie, marble floor and underground laboratory sealed state, usually not even a sun, but these plants all live!

Is this really what people can do? Is Ling Feng a God? But he's only in his teens. He's very relaxed and effortless!

Even Zhao Mengtong didn't expect that Ling Feng still had this ability. What kind of person is he? He has powerful force and strange accomplishments. Now he still has this ability! Isn't he a monster?

"What else do you have to say now?" Ling Feng looked at Sun Rui, light said! Sun Rui is standing there at this time, and the whole person is in a daze! He didn't react until the beauty assistant pushed him a few times!

"Master Ling, I lost!" Sun Rui respectfully said, his eyes looking at Ling Feng are full of fiery, sun Rui is such a person, he only admire people who are more capable than himself, now Ling Feng has done it, he is very admire, and he just said I lost, is from the heart! It also means that he has recognized Ling Feng!

"Your idea is very good, but what you extracted is only a semi-finished product, and you can't use it. This is the biggest failure of this project!" Maple said, looking at the light!

If it is before Ling Feng shows his ability, everyone will fight him, but now no one dares to speak, all quietly listen to Ling Feng analysis!

"Dr. Ling, I know what you said, but there is no way to solve it. It's a big problem for us. Do you have any good way?" Sun Rui said respectfully!

although they extract the essence, but the essence of the air is distributed. They spent a lot of time putting in the ten small bottles before, and they also volatilized about 50%!

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