"That's what you're talking about, but it's a very simple thing. Immortality is too easy!" Lingfeng light said!

After listening to Ling Feng's words, everyone was stunned. What the hell? Immortality is very simple. It's a fool who says that! If it's simple, why do people die every day now!

Medicine has been studying the problem of immortality. From ancient China, how many kings wanted to get the elixir of immortality, but in the end, they all died and returned to nature. This is the rule of nature, and no one can escape it!

Listen to Ling Feng's words, several professors under the stage all smile, but they all laugh at Ling Feng!

"I said, boy, boasting is not like that. According to you, everyone in the world will live forever. How can there be death? This is the law of nature. You are so shameless here today!" A professor looked at Ling Feng, and then said sarcastically!

"That is, immortality is impossible to achieve, even if medicine is more developed, it is impossible to achieve. Human life has a beginning and an end. This is the law, do you understand?" Another professor looked at Ling Feng and said!

After listening to the two professors, everyone looked at Ling Feng and saw how he answered. Even sun Rui and his assistant Deng Jie also looked at Ling Feng. Although they both knew Ling Feng was very powerful, they really didn't know whether Ling Feng understood immortality or not!

"Dr. Ling, you say it's easy to live forever. Give us an example! How can we be convinced if we don't talk big Zhao Pei looked at Ling Feng and said, her tone is sarcastic!

"There's no need to give an example at all. I say simple, that's simple!" Lingfeng again light said! But this sentence in exchange for the disdain of all the people, what do you say is simple? Who do you think you are? If so, I would say that I am the president of M country!

This man is probably a fool!

"If you say that, it means that you can't answer this question at all. Please step down. You have no right to stand here. You have defiled our sacred platform!" Zhao Pei looked at Ling Feng and said coldly!

"Yes, I agree with Zhao Pei. You'd better get out of here!"

"That is to say, such a profound problem can't be explained by you! Step down

Everyone is shouting to let Ling Feng step down. They are all protesting. They originally came here for sun Rui today. They are not Dr. Ling or Dr. Ling who can't do anything!

While Ling Feng stood there and didn't speak at all. Seeing this scene, Zhao Pei continued: "Dr. Ling has no way to answer this question. Now let me tell you my opinion. This is the result of my years of research on life science!"

After Zhao Pei finished this sentence, many people looked at him! Zhao Pei enjoyed the stage which was watched by thousands of people. She cleared her throat and then said, "in my conclusion, what immortality doesn't exist at all. The cell division and metabolism in the human body have a number of times. When the cells in the body can't divide, the body stops thinking, and then he represents death!"

After hearing Zhao Pei's explanation, everyone applauded. They thought this was the most reasonable explanation.

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