Just now when he came to the party, he saw Han Qi carrying the youth dance tune. How could he bear it? He rushed up directly, but was knocked down by the warrior behind the youth!

"Ha ha ha, Shen Ning, you don't see who you are. How can you compare with him? The money you earn is not enough for me. He can give me what I want, but you can't give me anything!" Han Qi said scornfully!

"Han Qi, if you think I can't make money, you can break up with me, but you give me a green hat, this thing will not be so, I'm really blind, I didn't expect you to be such a person!"

Shen Ning's heart is very regretful. How did he fall in love with this woman? He tried his best to be good to this woman. Now he is really blind!

"You, however, have some use value. Otherwise, why do you think I'm with you? I met Dongfang young master a few years ago. He's the young owner of Dongluo group on Taiwan Island. What are you? It's just a pauper! " Han Qi continued!

After hearing about Dongluo group, many people are very surprised. Most of them are from Taiwan Island. Of course, they know what Dongluo group is. Behind Dongluo group are the people of Dongfang family in Kunlun. In the whole Taiwan Island, no one does not give Dongfang family face!

Shen Ning heard Han Qi's words, more angry, he was actually taken a few years of green hat son, is really a piece of grassland on the head!

"Hateful woman, who do you think you are? You are just a spare tire. When people get tired of playing, your fate will be even worse for me now!" Shen Ning continued to roar!

But the young master Dongfang, who didn't speak all the time, said, "boy, Han Qi is my man now. What are you talking about? Be careful I'll let you walk all your life!"

"Ha ha ha, you are nothing. If you have the ability, you can kill me! Two shameless people make people feel sick when they see them! " Shenning is in a good mood now, and he has so much to take care of! Straight out!

Around a few tour group people quickly advised Shenning, said: "Shenning, the woman is no longer looking, now the hero does not eat the immediate loss, forget it!"

Yajie reminded them before boarding the ship that they should not make trouble, but now Shenning is in a hot spot and doesn't care about anything at all. Although these people don't know which Dongluo group exists, it doesn't seem to be easy to make trouble. Isn't Shenning looking for his own death?

The two warriors behind the Oriental boy don't seem to be easy to provoke. One person can kill Shen Ning! No one will take care of him then!

"Boy, since you don't listen to my advice, you don't pay attention to my Dongfang family. You guys, just throw him out. I want him to taste the sea water!" The Oriental Youth said to the warrior behind him!

"All right, young master!"

Hearing the youth's words, the tour group quickly dissuaded Shen Ning and said, "Shen Ning, apologize, or you will be finished!"

At this time, sister Ya came over. She came here after receiving the information from the members of the travel agency, so she said directly, "young master Dongfang, I'm sorry, my friend has drunk too much. You don't have to worry about it. Will you forget about it?"

but the Oriental Youth did not take ya's words as one thing. He said coldly, "you count the old ones. Look at the people coming out of the mainland. They are all woodlouse. Can you come here?"

His words made the rich and family disciples frown one after another. How could the mainland tour group be on this ship? This is the top luxury cruise ship of the Chen family, which is specially prepared for the rich! Now there are so many Hicks, it's not to lower the level of the cruise ship!

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