Now that ares has fallen, the holy daughter feels helpless and desperate. Although she is the holy daughter of the Holy See, the Pope has been restricting him before she awakens the power of God. From small to large, she has no friends at all, only Elsa and her younger brother aldry. But after aldry died, it is ares who accompanies the holy daughter! And the virgin's childhood is a person.

She cried tears, step by step to Ares, walked to the body of Ares, Saint's hands constantly stroking Ares, and Ling Feng see all this, there is no expression at all, he took the green spirit sword, went to the saint!

The saint saw Ling Feng come, did not retreat, or holding ares body, she said to herself: "ares is here, I feel I am not afraid of anything!"

The virgin looked at Ling Feng and said crazily, "since my fiance, you killed everything. I won't let you go!"

His fiancee aldry, Elsa and Ares all died in his hands. Her hatred was very strong and poured out at this moment. Her whole body was shining with gold, and the divine power in her body began to merge!

The saint's face was gloomy and very angry. She endured the pain and then yelled, "if it's all to protect me, then I will become a strong one. I will kill master Ling and become a king!"

Shouts the provincial village. At this moment, she is releasing her heart and her inner impulse. Suddenly, there is a change in the heaven and the earth. The whole space explodes. The whole power of God falls from the sky and directly falls on the saint!

The power of God and the saint began to merge. The saint felt that her whole body was covered with light. The saint slowly soared into the sky. He began to merge the power of God. It looked very spectacular!

The virgin feels that the power in her body is slowly recovering. Ling Feng looks at the virgin flying up, and the whole person feels a little surprised.

"Finally awakened, it seems that she has mastered the power of God, really interesting!" Ling Feng light said, his inner guess is not wrong, but rather than awakening, is actually black, because she feels weak, so is ares fell in front of her, her heart constantly blame themselves, so that become black!

Ling Feng frowned and said, "I didn't expect to meet an accident here today. There's something interesting about this woman

Saint opened her eyes, and then the whole person has become very strong, look very mature, not before Lori look!

Saint with a sword, wearing God's armor, with a strong momentum, and at this time she is the real saint!

In the Vatican of F country, the Pope who is practicing suddenly wakes up. He feels uneasy and always feels that something has happened.

"What's the matter? Is there something wrong with the virgin The Pope asked himself, and then said!

Thinking of this, the Pope's face changed. He quickly walked into the forbidden area of the Holy See and looked at the stone tablet passed down by the Holy See. This stone tablet was originally used to record the affairs of the saints of the past dynasties. Now there is a crack in the stone tablet, which means that something happened to the saints!

The Pope frowned and thought. At this moment, in the church, the saint had completed her transformation. She looked at Ling Feng, like an angel!

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