Hearing Ling Feng's words, everyone present was shocked. Who dares to say what the little elf is? Doesn't he want to live?

All of them were shocked. They looked back one after another to see who said that. When they saw Ling Feng in their eyes, they were very disdainful. It was this boy, but the boy who came in by relationship. What's the qualification to speak like this! Wait and see how alfman teaches him!

If the boy is not stupid or has mental problems, he dares to say what a little god is in front of the little God. It's very terrible for the little god to get angry!

"Boy, you are too crazy. Don't apologize quickly!"

"That's right. You're too loud to die, you know?"

Everyone looked at Ling Feng and said that in their eyes, Ling Feng would be killed by Elfman. Even Ouyang Xiong was shocked. Isn't this Chen Xiaoyou's friend? How could he be so arrogant and say such words? He should not have been allowed to come in if he had known this! Now the influence is so bad, if alfman blames him for it, it's over!

Alfman looked at Ling Feng angrily, and then said: "boy, do you know who I am? How dare you talk to me like this!"

"You? It's none of my business who you are, but you deserve to call yourself a God. It's ridiculous! " Ling Feng disdained to look at alfman and said!

Listen to Ling Feng's words, everyone is shocked again. What's the origin of this boy? He dares to talk like this. When the little god gets angry, he must be dead!

Alfman's face was very ugly at this time. Since his debut, he had never met anyone who dared to speak to him like this, and even the whole East Asia could not find one!

His name is recognized by all the aristocrats in East Asia. No one dares to say no. now there is a young man about 20 years old standing in front of him who dares to talk to himself like this. How can he bear it!

Alfman's eyes were murderous, and his whole body was cold. The temperature of the hall dropped a lot in an instant, and everyone felt that the whole hall was very cold. Looking at the ice, they thought: "this time the little God delivered the goods, it seems that the consequences are unimaginable!"

It's worthy of being a little God. He's just angry, and the temperature of the whole hall has dropped to below zero before he takes action. This ability is terrible!

"Boy, if you dare to say that again, I'll kill you in this hall!" Elfman coldly said that although his master Mila had warned himself that he was too angry and wanted to cultivate his character, now he was furious and wanted to kill Ling Feng!


Ling Feng disdains to look at Elfman. He doesn't pay attention to the so-called little god at all. Elfman's face is very ugly. He feels that every word of the boy in front of him is very arrogant and gives people a high air. Who dares to be high in front of him?

So, alfman said again, "don't say I didn't give you a chance. Now you kneel down and kowtow and admit that you are wrong. I won't care about it with you!"

Ling Feng laughs, then disdains to say: "you, still care with me, but it's mole ant!"

Hear Ling Feng this sentence, Elfman decided to give Ling Feng a bloody lesson, let him long memory!

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